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4/13/2008 3:50:31 AM |
Runes anyone? |

Jefferson City, TN
age: 25
I am an Asatru and have recently began to study the Runes. I realized that the more I learn, the less I know. I am primarily working with the Elder Futhark. I was just curious to know if anyone else here has any experience with runework. Whether you are a novice or experienced, I would be interested in sharing ideas, insight etc.
Also if you have any good links or book titles, please send them my way.
~Faith and Frith
4/13/2008 11:34:58 PM |
Runes anyone? |

Cloquet, MN
age: 25
yes, I actually read runes. I use the elder futhark with an addition of a blank or unknown tile. They are very interesting and deep. Also, in my personal experience, I can tell you if the runes are the way you are meant to go, they will never lie. each person is different for which divination works best. I would have to dig for it, but I do have a book title and author for you that I would recommend to you. Also, since I have attended several Asatru meetings, unless racial preferences are part of the reason you picked that path, then I would avoid those with a overtly strong racist over tone. White pride, and power are two separate matters and I do agree with pride in heritage, but disagree with the racism that a lot of them preach.
4/14/2008 3:11:43 AM |
Runes anyone? |

Jefferson City, TN
age: 25
Indeed in my experiences so far I have found the runes can bring astonishing clarity. Sometimes it's like someone slapping you in the back of the head and saying "duh!".
I would certainly appreciate any recommendations for books.
I am currently reading Paxon's "Taking up the Runes".
As to your other statement, I do belong to a Kindred and we do not abide by racist views or try to promote an agenda of hate. We are proud of our heritage and ancestral Gods but that is no reason to demean others for theirs.
4/14/2008 4:04:55 AM |
Runes anyone? |

Cloquet, MN
age: 25
I am glad to hear that you found a decent kindred. Especially with how exclusive alot of them can get. I just thought of one author for you i am trying to remember her book. Silver Ravenwolf. She writes mostly about wiccan stuff, but in one of her books, there is a a few pages on rune divinations and those are the definitions that I use. another i have to check, but I think it was called ELDER FUTHARK by LIEFF ERILICSON ask around in your kindred for something similar to that last name. If they have been around long they should know what Author I am Talking about .. it is an Awesome book, it gives about 4 pages on each rune and gives kattas and everything...
it is an awesome book
4/15/2008 8:05:58 AM |
Runes anyone? |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I too read runes and have for many years. I too use the blank rune on top of the traditional 24 others.
Another wonderful book on runes is 'The book of Runes' by Ralph Blum.
If you were to do a five rune reading and after selecting a rune you placed it in front of you the odds of drawing the same spread is 607,614 to one. However if you replace the Rune back into the bag after drawing it and writing it down it the odds become a staggering 312,500,000 to one. Doesn't get more personal than that. Remember when working with any sort of divination that what you are doing is petitioning the higher self to work through you. Something that should be practiced as regularly as possible. The more in tune we are with our various selves the more harmony we have in our lives.
4/15/2008 11:45:46 PM |
Runes anyone? |

Cloquet, MN
age: 25
I personally use all 25 tiles at one time... it takes around 3 hours for a reading but it is pretty accurate for me. I use a circle drawn out it a a crosshair marking the center. I pull them off tile by tile, marking them on a sheet of paper, and writing down thoughts or impressions off each tile as I go. I count a fliped tile as an inverted meaning. more than that, the closer to the center, the more it impacts the issue at hand. Also if the are stacked, then the runes are tied to geather and have to be interpreted that way. If they are just resting on each other then they can be interpreted seperate, togeather or just take as a factor of the situation depending on the question at hand.
I agree runes should be used often. The more you use the more energy you put into them. It makes a difference. Also a word of warning, keep your runes for PERSONAL usage... when more than one person uses them or handles them they dont work as well. Use a seperate set if you want to do public stuff where they are going to be handled by other people.
[Edited 4/15/2008 11:49:24 PM]
4/16/2008 3:15:30 AM |
Runes anyone? |

Jefferson City, TN
age: 25
Thank you both for your input, it is very much appreciated!
I began mostly with the 3 rune draw, but I have started to branch out and try other methods until I find the one that works best for me, or which methods work better for particular questions or situations. I have come to realize that runework is a lifetime undertaking and that the more mysteries you unlock, the more you realize there still are.
I personally prefer not to use the blank rune, but I do not denounce its use. Any methods or points of view are worth listening to.
4/18/2008 12:58:08 AM |
Runes anyone? |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
Odin discovered the runes.
Hailsaa the allfather Odin!
4/20/2008 7:27:27 PM |
Runes anyone? |

Cloquet, MN
age: 25
I guess my main reason personally for using blank, is that sometimes, there are factors that you can not see. Otherwise, I probably would not use the blank tile. It is less traditional than normal to use it, but I seem to get more accurate results with it. I am glad that you have gotten good results without it. Another spread that I have heard works well is the Thor's Cross / Hammer, a 5 tile. If you look you should be able to come up with the meanings. Also, a sometimes unthought of idea, which is partially from my understanding where the Thor's Cross /Hammer pattern originated, was out of a Tarot spread. Any of them can be adapted to use, and the seem to be a little easier to get information of as they are a bit more common. Just a helpful tip if you are looking at new ways of doing them.
4/21/2008 10:52:52 PM |
Runes anyone? |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
oh no my friend! Thor's cross and hammer has ben around for thousands of years before
those cards!