4/15/2008 10:46:13 AM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Roseau, MN
age: 40
My dog is over 3 years old now, Jack Russell Terrier. He's a good pet (good with kids, good disposition). However, he is a runner. If the kids open the door, zoom...he's gone and won't come back until he get's what he's looking for. I have a run for him outside. It's impossible to keep him on a regular collar, he can easily escape from that. We call him Houdini! I tried the harness on him too, he escaped from 2 of those. Finally, the choker collar, he has busted 2 of them and recently escaped from one. The vet said if I got him neutered, he might stop running. However, bad habits are hard to break and since he is 3 it might be too late. Anyone have any suggestions or experience with this? Thanks for any advice. Sally
4/15/2008 6:37:44 PM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Benton, IL
age: 71
Sally, I dunno if it is ever too late to neuter.
I think what we both need to do is take a course
in training a dog,lol 
I have the same problem and they [2 of them] will
just NOT mind; until they get ready to. 
4/15/2008 9:06:06 PM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

New Castle, PA
age: 33
Well I work with dogs for a living. I can say that neutering may help..what you need to do to make sure he stays put is to put up a fence.. and Jack Russells are great climbers and jumpers lol. They also love to dig in the yard. If you want him to stay home I think that investing in a fence..you can just do a small section for a play yard for him to run it.. is your best bet. Good luck!!
4/16/2008 8:16:46 PM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Farmington, IL
age: 46
Hmmm....... Sounds like me!!!!!!!
4/17/2008 8:26:59 AM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Mohawk, NY
age: 65
it also takes several months for the hormones to leave the body....so don't expect a huge change immediately....Jacks are a handfull as are all terriers....
4/17/2008 6:55:41 PM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Roseau, MN
age: 40
Thanks to everyone and their advice. A friend of mine told me to try the underground fencing. Maybe he needs to be neutered and a real good fence besides! Thanks again everyone!
5/6/2008 10:52:59 PM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Modesto, CA
age: 28
Have u tried a gentle leader? They sell them at Petsmart & I think Wal Mart has a version of there own. I have 2 pitbulls & they can pull a lot when walking. So in my pet training course the instructor told me about this & it really helps a lot when walking & they can't get out of it. It looks like a muzzle but its not. It helps control their head only. Nuetering does help mellow out your dog a lot! They will want 2 stay around their own home & not roam as much! I highly recommend it. They say they live longer 2.
5/7/2008 9:36:15 AM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Middle Village, NY
age: 54
I have Nuetered Kitty Guy's( retiring studs ) as late as 14 yrs of age so I guess Better Late Than Never . Have you tried Hot Sauce on the lead to discorage chewing through??? Or a Huge Bone at noon to keep him busy??? Hope he stops disappearing Also if he can fit one a Kiity Harness may work. Good Luck Bikerangel3
5/19/2008 4:48:44 AM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
If you are not going to use a male dog for stud, it is better for them to neuter them. The longer you wait, the harder it is on the dog. Since it is a small breed, it may not be as tough but I waited until three to have a Golden neutered and the poor thing had trouble walking for a week. Things vary from state to state, but here they like to neuter males at about 8 months to a year. I don't think three is too old and it will definitely be best for your dog for several reasons.
5/19/2008 4:58:46 AM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

London, KY
age: 45
you may want to check into, what many of us call, a "Yes Ma'am" collar. they look wicked and vicious, but aren't. a bit on the expensive side, too. but they work!
5/19/2008 5:04:58 AM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Farmington, IL
age: 46
"Yes Maam" collar? My ex wife put ME on one of those!!
5/19/2008 1:39:14 PM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
I have a very aggressive dog and it is a must to keep him in control. The best collar I have ever used is the Illusion Collar sold by Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer. They run $40 but they are worth every penny for the control they give you and the dogs don't hate them like they do the gentle leader and other nose collars. My female used to drag me until my back hurt and the Illusion stopped that too.
5/31/2008 7:30:40 AM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 39
It is never 2 late to neuter.
My mom has a pekinese. She just spayed her and she is 11 yrs old. The vet said it would help with urinary tract infection.
Jacks are a hand full and extremely energetic.
You might want to check into training if neutering doesn't fix the problem.
I hope this little jack is friendly and doesn't bite an unsuspecting neighbor or get in a tossle with another dog.
Good Luck.

6/1/2008 5:49:44 PM |
Is it too late to neuter? |

Fresno, CA
age: 62
He needs to be neutered, asap. It will calm him down! Then, try the gentle leader, consistent training.
You will be glad you made the appointment, right now, he is at the mercy of his gonads, and can only
listen to them! (all pets should be neutered to prevent the thousands of dogs and cats killed every
month in shelters, and also because it makes them better pets unless you have a kennel or cattery
and use the animals in a breeding program)