Farmington, IL
age: 46
As many of you know, my Pit had puppies. She had 9. 6 black, like her, and 3 white, like my Dalmation. Two have died. Both were white. Is it possible that she is killing the white ones? The lone surviving white one seems healthy, but this has me a little worried. Thanks! Mike

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57
Awwwwww, Puppies. Some times when the Mama knows there is something wrong with the Puppies they will do that, just like Cats do. I'm sorry she did that. Awwwwww.

Cuba, MO
age: 47
possibly, pups may have stressed her out,
keep eye on her, make sure nursing milk, or dry milk,
on the side,
8 is average size litter,
this is alot of pups for one mother dog to nurse,
been there done that

Wichita, KS
age: 54
I read your concerns. several things come to mind. first what is the medical condition of the mother dog? before during and after the pregnacy? Was the litter vet checked to determine overall health of the puppies? How much access does the mother have to the puppies? Are you or a family member present when the mother dog is with her youngins?
Here's my take on some if not all of this and I will give you my opinion as to why I say this. We as humans have the responsibility to our animals to know their overall health condition especially when it comes to the breeding. We also carry the responsibility to helping the mother dog care for her young and be present when she's with her young. I'm sure alot of pet owners would disagree with me on this.
But I have a Female Great Dane. And at one time I considered the idea of finding a Male Great Dane for breeding purposes. Then I went a step further and contacted several Professional Great Dane Breeders. And this was the General Consensus I got from breeders.
Female Large breed dogs require more attention when they are left with their litter for nursing and the care a mother dog gives to her very young. I was told if I couldnt be present when the mother dog was with the litter. Expect losses of little ones as it happens quite often if the mother gets comfy she will doze and is apt to roll and could roll over and smother the young. Not intentionally but it is known to happen over and over with large breed dogs. One breeder went as far to tell me if I'm only doing this with the idea I can make money at it? NO you wont make a dime at it if your doing everything you as a pet owner should responsibly do for the care of the mother and her litter. You do it because of the love of that particular breed.
After several hours and days of contemplating the idea. I decided what was really important to me is the love I have for my pet. My best friend in life. the one thing I have daily in my life that puts a smile on my face and her ability to show me how much she appreciates me. So why do I wanna put myself or her thru the pain staking challenge to see if I can make a buck or two off of a litter that she and I both will spend countless hours with the proper care both her and the litter deserve.
Dont get me wrong here. I'm NOT saying your not a responsible pet owner in any way shape or form. I dont know you or the background of your pets and the care you give so I cannot and will not assume or pass judgement.
I'm just thankfull I took the time to investigate the idea of my interest in letting my pet have a litter and what was in store for me and my pet.
Good Luck to you and maybe this helps you in some small way or gives you an idea of what may be happening in the loss of some of the young puppies.

Denton, TX
age: 26
I love pitbull!!!! I think Pitbulls are the sweetest and most loving dogs..."IF" they are in the right hands.... I find that its the people how mistreat them or are inexperienced in handling them that has contributed to the repuation!!!! I can't wait till I have a house sooo I can get a pitbull again....
To your question.... Mom dogs can do that.... its a survival thing.... so a vet told me.... If they feel that there is something wrong with the puppy they will end their life.... I would put them in an area where you can supervise whats going on and stop her if she trys to huet anymore... If it continues then you might want to seperate them... I don't think your dog it doing this to me mean or aggressive...

Hermiston, OR
age: 62
I have raised dogs, big and small for many years. was there sign of damage to the puppies or did they just turn up dead? I have had some trouble with first time moms accidently laying on their puppies when there is a lot of them. It could be coincidence that they were both white ones. I dont think they care what color they are. It is smell that attaches them to the puppies. Also if she was not producing enough milk the smaller ones will not be able to compete or get enough to survive. I have had to suppliment with a bottle. I use evaporated milk, halk milk, half water plus 1 tesspoon of karo syrup. I raised two rottwilers from day one on this formula and they were fat and happy. I let them have all they want. If you get the hole in the nipple too big it will come out thier nose so it takes a little tial and error. Hope the rest are doing OK.