New York, NY
age: 31
I'm starting to feel like I should just give up on finding someone. I just dont' have luck in finding men I am attracted to. I'm being honest here. Attraction comes for me when someone is assertive and confident. For me it is all in the eyes.

Spring Valley, NY
age: 56 online now!
I have to tell you that you are just adorable !!! No need to lose faith in finding someone..Heck you are just 31, I am sure that many men having been knocking on your door but your not listening..lol

New York, NY
age: 31
Men do knock on my door but they are not always the right ones for me. Like the saying gos "Better to be alone than in bad company".

Spring Valley, NY
age: 56 online now!
I agree with you in as far as the saying goes, but can you think what it would be like if NO ONE was knocking on your door?
In as far as you losing faith in finding someone....can I ask you one simply question..SINCE all those knocking on your door are not your type, have you ever taken it upon yourself to do a little door knocking yourself on those doors that appear to have the kind of man you are interest in?
Woman's liberation was in full affect before you were born, so why not take advantage of it and feel free to go after the kind of men that meet all your requirements. If you fail to do this then you can only blame yourself for settling for only those that knocked on your door.
When you were born I was 25 years old and back then life was different then today. Thank God that back then women were not signing " SO MANY MEN SO LITTLE TIME"
So if you want to increase your chance in getting what you want, don't be scared to go out and get it