Monroe, LA
age: 47
I'm making calendars for Christmas this year.
I'm already passing around the blank monthly calendars
for everyone in the family to sign -in their handwriting, not their wife's--
their birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
I wish I could include all the exes- babies' mommas & babies' daddies
(but I think that could be pushing it to far)
I need help with the name??
All in the Family --in-laws & out-laws or something of the sort
IF ANYONE HAS IDEALS let me know, all help would be appreciated.
Trying to get everyone to send hopefully baby pictures
& pictures of them now
Anyway I going to print our one for each family
& maybe one for all the single over 18's
I need some suggestions for this!
Omaha, NE
age: 51
The in and out laws of Christmas 2008
Beacon, NY
age: 53
I agree. The "In and Out Laws Christmas 2008."
Just a thought, do you really want to put all the time and energy into preparing such a thoughtful gift for those no longer in your and / or your family's lives?