Louisville, KY
age: 41
have u ever noticed that women (in general) tend to prefer cats, and men(in general) tend to prefer dogs?? above and beyond gender preferences for pets, i have noticed there is also a correlation in individual personalities that indicates a preference for dogs over cats and visa versa. i have noticed that people who prefer in a partner a more submissive personality tend to prefer dogs....people who value a more independent personality in their partner prefer cats. this is just my general observation, and by no means is a scientific study.
let me know what your opinions or feelings are regarding this issue...i am curious to know if i am basically full of shit, or if u have noticed this as well. would love to hear your opinions!!
[Edited 5/9/2008 10:36:10 PM]

London, KY
age: 45
that men prefer dogs and women cats, seems to be the norm for most of society. I, and others like me, seem to have and love both breeds.
but like most things in life, it is the personal choice or comfort that is the main issue for each person.
I am the type of person that prefers to have an equal partner in a relationship. I guess that is why I like both!

Phoenix, AZ
age: 60
i've often been referred to as a cat... i'm low maintenance.. and unobtrusive...
i've always had cats for that very same reason.... dogs are just fine.....
just not me....

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
Almost every female I know has one or more dogs. I know a lady who has 6 of them and they are all large breed dogs. I prefer dogs. I am allergic to cats which doesn't mean I don't like them. I like my dogs to have their own personality and not to be dominated by anyone.
I also prefer a patnership that is eqaul rather than having to be the babysitter. Both of my dogs weigh over 70 pounds and both act as independent as a cat.