5/21/2008 10:39:08 AM |
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit Us ......... |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
..... and Like to Complain About Our Pets:
They live here. You don't.
If you don't like their hair on your clothing, then stay off the furniture. (That's why it's called "fur"niture.)
I like my pets better than I like most people.
To you, it's an animal. To me, he or she is an adopted son or daughter who is hairy, short, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly
5/21/2008 3:26:45 PM |
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit Us ......... |

Springfield, IL
age: 60
I had a company call and want to come clean my carpets, I told her I didn't have catpets, she said they also would come and demonstrate cleaning my furniture, I told her I didn't have furniture, she asked how I lived without furniture, I said everything in my house is wood so the cats can sit anywhere they want to, I don't care about anybody else. If they don't like it, they can stay away.
5/21/2008 5:09:06 PM |
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit Us ......... |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 50
LOL. I had a very similar expierance with a guest once. She went to the bathroom and came back to find one the wolves in her seat. She gave me a nasty look and pointed, saying "That ANIMAL is in my place."
I replyed by telling her. "That animal lives here, and is welcome to sit anyplace he likes, You on the other hand are a guest and should learn to act like one."
Needless to say, she never returned, but it was better to find it out then, than three months down the road.
5/21/2008 9:14:47 PM |
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit Us ......... |

Mount Pleasant, PA
age: 38
lost..it goes back to the thing of it being "just a dog"..which by the way i thought was amazing...people just don't realize how much a part of your life these "animals" become..as for the speaking clearly part..i'm going to disagree a little..they get across what they are trying to tell you..
5/22/2008 3:37:22 PM |
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit Us ......... |

Springfield, IL
age: 60
Isn't it amazing how well they have us trained and what we let them get away with. If I had back all the stuff they've broken, I'd be rich. But, it was just stuff. Not like hearing that purr in the middle of the night when you can't sleep.
5/22/2008 9:03:31 PM |
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit Us ......... |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
I remember one time a friend got mad at me because my dog chewed up one of her gloves and she thought I should have punished him. I told her she was the one that put them on the floor in his house, so why should I scold him? That's why we have tables.
5/25/2008 6:19:12 AM |
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit Us ......... |

Belmont, NC
age: 38
I can relate so much to this. I have had company to come over and when they realized I had dogs, they would say "could you put your dogs out until we leave" - throw my own dogs out of their home, NOT. I have a blind dog, and some ppl have told me it's cruel for me to let her be this way - that I should have her put to sleep. She is a very happy and healthy little girl. I always ask, if you had a child that went blind, or even a parent, would you kill them???????? They usually get mad at me, but so be it.......
6/7/2008 6:25:15 PM |
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit Us ......... |

Rogers, AR
age: 66
May I join you?
I have dogs, cats & horses. None of which come in drunk or beat on me. And I should get rid of them, why? You can disipline them, they won't ask for the keys to your car, and they are loyal. Unconditional love..... What else could you want?
Sometimes you will find these qualities in the human race, if we are lucky. I got rid of the 2 legged horse' rear and kept the horses.......dogs, and cats....Thanks for letting meput my 2 cents worth in........