Overland Park, KS
age: 41
She's only 9 years old..so I think she's too young to be going senile?
Ya know how cats like to knead on you..like they did when they were kittens kneading mama cat's milk jugs , to get the milk to flow. I understand the kneading on me..it shows she's comfortable with me, and may be remembering a happy time from her baby years. ( I got some of that from a cat guide ..lol )
Well today she was kneading a large pillow from the couch..she just finished a 10 minute kneading session. I've never seen her do that before and wondered if it is normal. I thought maybe she was just fluffing up a napping place..but no..she is on the floor now.
Is my cat nuts? lol

Saint James, MO
age: 55
I doubt if she is either senile or retarded. I have cats that will kneed just about anything. Just speaking from my own mind, I wonder if they get a little seratonin release with the action.

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
I don't know about cats but my dogs like to dig in the carpet. It drives me nuts. Does anyone know why they do that?