Personality |
To give any girl even a remote idea of whom this IrelandBornEagle be in less than the size of a book, is one of very few impossible things on this
earth; however, this Pure Renaissance, true Anachronism & the virtual cornucopias more I be & have accomplished will endeavor to do me very best, under these precarious circumstances. This Life time servant of God/Jesus & former jungle missionary, living King Arthur, White Knight of the REalm & eternal Peter Pan, be also Extensively: Sensitive, articulate, gifted, skilled & a plethora more from Jesus, even though I didana deserve any of the blessings bestowed upon this Humble child of Jesus. I be all about LOve, Peace, Harmony, Beauty & Helping all whom come to meself. I be the very epitome of: Eccentric, Romantic, Fair, Honorable,loyal, with panage (class), attentive, considerate, thoughtful & have incorporated all the virtues, the codes, the vows of: Chivalry, gallantry & "Death before dishonor", the very essence of: DIFFERENT FROM ALL MALES IN EVERY WAY, IE NOTHING ABOUT MESELF COULD JUSTLY OR IN ANY OTHER WAY BE CONSIDERED TO NORMAL, ie..not one of the millions of societal conditioned, programed robots. a Child like creative prodigy, dreamer, all of the arts be my forte', gourmet chef, disigner, writer/poet, a
recluse, whom be the very core of Discernment about everything that touches me life. I possess a Solar system size Heart & soul & thus I hate and will not tolerate any: arrogance, macho, 99.5% of males, anyone that be either an Age or height bigot. To be so, is stupid, narrow & closed minded, to hurt anyone is wrong period. I HATE ALSO ANY FORM OF VIOLENCE, AMERICAN FOOTBALL, BOXING, HOCKEY, ANYTHING THAT HURTS ANYONE. Being Knighted etc I be seeking ONLY: One, whom be Ultra Feminine, Humble, properly submissive, extensively: Romantic, soft, kind, considerate, loyal, honest, open, a Real sweet child like GIRLY GIRL WHOM ALSO DRESSES AS A GIRLY GIRL. I have a vast amount of virtues, ways etc to offer the ONe Girly Girl whom will be free to unfold her wings, travel etc & be Mine after she comes to her Champions Most Beautiful Camelot pooled and elaborately decorated Camelot home to nurture an eternal Love between us. Sorry this mess was so verbose, have a bonnie day one & all & please give a smile to everyone, it helps them & yourself. using the id in first line, you can nurture this by also using the A and the O and the L dot come place. God be with you all..Remember, please do not write if you are one of the millions of stupid, narrow & closed minded, superfical age or heigth bigots whom hurt so many and/or if you be arrogant, instead of possessing the Humility Love etc. I have the VERY HIGHEST OF: PRINCIPLES, MORALS, STANDARDS, INTEGRITY & HAVE SPENT ME ENTIRE LIFE ON SELF INPROVMENTS & PREPARING FOR MY ONE TRUE LOVE. I BE OF COURSE STILL CHASTE (PURE) THE MOST PARTICULAR PERSON ON THIS EARTH ABOUT EVERYTHING WITH A GRAND & MOST ACTIVE SENCE OF HUMOR TO MAKE OTHERS LAUGH TO TEARS OF JOY..OH, I DETEST ALL MALES & ANYTHING MALE LIKE & ALL DISHARMONY ETC.
Want To Find: |
A woman ages 18 to 36 to date |
I Like: |
active, Beauty, boxing, creative, Everything, football, heart, hockey, honest, humble, humor, Integrity, jesus, laugh, loyal, peace, submissive, sweet, travel, true love |