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Single Men Belvedere Tiburon, California, CA, Salt and Pepper Gray Hair, Other Eyes
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 Location: Belvedere Tiburon California
 Zip Code: 94920
 Age: 65, Gemini
 Height: 6 ft. 2 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Salt and Pepper Gray, Other
 Body Type: Average
 Ethnicity: White
 Religion: Not Religious
 Politics: Moderate
 Education: Bachelor's Degree
 Income: $50,000 - $75,000
 Job: Self-Employed
 Drink: Don't Drink
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Status: Single
 Have Kids: Yes, not living with me
 Want More: Didn't Say

I heart NPR AFI CFI Rafael Lark theaters NYT Netflix Ipod DC Beach SFO Marin DeYoung IMDB TCM Mad Men sunrise/sunset/beach/mountains; crisp vegetables fresh flowers the smell of a used book store lavender massage oil dogs cats begonias red zinger tea hot coffee riding with the top down holding hands silence Nikon picture hats spikey heels sequins tight jeans candles art shows peplums quirky movies, an occasional symphony, anything art deco. I move to Beethoven and Bach and Willie and Waylon and swing dance and sort of Tango. I love, but don't have, the blues. Rather walk than ride, play than watch, cook than buy, read than watch tv, talk with you, esp in an outdoor cafe in Paris or San Francisco. I like lectures about the environment, books, travel. People around me always seem to have fun and laugh a lot. I'm an amiable ordinary looking high mileage guy you wouldn't notice on the street, but you would on the dance floor. I can see my belt buckle without a mirror, my feet without leaning over and like to ride my bike and drive to great picnic spots in my convertible. I believe adults and children and animals should touch and hold each other often and I've even changed my mind about small dogs. I like sleeping under a down quilt in a cold room with full-body contact. I eat from the left, drink from the right, use deodorant and (almost) always put the lid down. Have tools, can fix. Play tennis badly, but with good humor. Accept but don't get golf, vegetarians or new-agey stuff. Used to be an editor and reporter and now have a political consulting, speaking, video and writing business that provides travel (much of it to interesting resorts) flexible time, frequent flier miles and work I enjoy that makes a positive difference in people's lives. I voted for Obama with enthusiasm. Two children, 27 and 31 not in jail and an ex who still speaks cordially to me. I’ve been divorced 10 years and have learned a lot. To prove I am truly modern, if we ever do watch TV, you can hold the remote control. I live in north FL in winter so I can ride with the top down. Hope for companion and cruising crewmate with flexible time for me and trips. I read and value my recliner, fireplace and music. A woman recently said to me, "I can't believe I'm having a conversation with a man about a recipe." I'm not perfect and don't expect you to be. I hope to meet a mature, serene woman with wit, style and a sense of humor and adventure, rhythm and a love for music, who likes movies, books, events, theater and outdoors and who isn't interested in TV sports. Thoughtful, intellectual, spirited. Points for civic and social responsibility. Someone about my age and experience (65 in June 2009); no bimbos or babes, and I have enough wrinkles not to be worried about a few of your sags and bags. A dancer and a reader with bike helmet, boat shoes and hiking boots. A strong, assertive, fiesty, sassy, opinionated partner who likes vigorous, thoughtful discussions and impish repartee and, after we get to know each other, likes standing real close and being touched and held. An equal partner. We are alike enough to get along and different enough to maintain interest, challenge and grow from each other. The smarter, the taller, the better. I bake bread and a few pastries and give extra points if you like cooking with me and others. I’ll put out the crystal and silver for burgers, but I'm not big on pretentious restaurants or conversations about them. I hope you understand entrepreneurs. I am a Southerner of moderate political persuasion (voted for Obama) and tolerance for just about anything except hurtful behavior. I like exercise, eat carefully (usually; See "End Of Overeating") and ask for directions. I've learned the value of honest and frequent communication and can get my feelings out gently and will encourage you to do the same. To me intimacy means we can be totally honest without fear. In 20 years we'll be touching and making the others jealous

Personality Type: Outgoing
Want To Find: A woman ages 59 to 66 to date
I Party: Didn't Say
I Like:
Argentine Tango, art, beach, blues, books, box, business, candles, Coffee, Conversation, Cooking Swing dance, dumb, exercise, gardening, Hiking, holding hands, illiterate, incoherent, Intellectual, movies, or, outdoors, picnic, politics, selecting, sentences, theater, this, touching, trips, west/east coast, what, words
My Discussions:
Intervew My Book Keep On Voting (1 reply) 10/31/09
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My Gifts
Flower Bouquet

More Pictures
Bay to Breakers event was really fun - Summer 2009
September 2009 - Nice weekend riding