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Rough draft to "Charles Manson" F wad
by temptresslee16 at 6/10/2014 8:57:26 AM

So i've been doing some serious soul searching. Researching the news all my life, hearing poor kids kill themselves, shoot up buildings. I found out I can still check out library books in georgetown I bought two books on Gun control. One book called, "A girls guide to kicking your career into gear,"

I have a school from colorado calling me at 11am today about enrolling me. If I can get two bad a** top schools to call me for some online school. A job interview for a second job at some insurance company hear in town.

My meds re-arranged. And not smoke any weed, and suddenly become, "Sober" and by the time I stirr up some hate towards my laughter and writing. Then maybe I can help get some money off this letter.

I'm really good about posting interesting things in chat fourms. Researching idiotic responses. And I figured. I know what, "Charles manson" has been doing.

I googled, "Hate mail to Charles manson." And I noticed how many letters he writes.

His clan still exsists to this day. People are just blind to it. I don't know if they put him to death yet or not. But they sure as hell should have, because if he's so, "Competant." And he, "Knew what he was doing" when he brainwashed these dumb b*tches before I was born.

Then he sure as hell wouldn't have fooled me, at this point in my life, if I were alive that early.

I would have been that one preppy girl that said, "Sorry I got a date with a christian, non-satanic, fine a** jock, and your just a geek, I don't hang around geeks."

That was the feeling I got in high school. But the geeks dragged me into their group, even though I wanted to be a cheerleader, I loved football players. I should have just taken after them and joined the popular crowd.

Can you imagine all the angry freaks, that would have written me hate mail.

I figured if I can write, "A whiny bimbo" blog. And people seem to enjoy it and hate it at the same time. And i'm getting ready to study, "Criminal Pyscology" then maybe by the time I turn 35 he will be dead, by a simply, yet brillant letter. That i'm going to need help, "Editing" perfectly.

That's any freaks one fear, "The popular girl" blonde, humilating him.

That's any mans fear really. But this letter is a message, to all beautiful, natural, non-tattoed, sexy blonde, red head, and brunette girls that want to, "Rebutal" to all these losers. It's in memory of all, "Natural girls" that don't wear 10lb of make up, but they moisturize, work out, wax their eye brows and don't need an, "Enhancer" to look hot.

Tuesday, June 9, 2014

Dear, "Mr. Charles Manson"

When it boils down to it. I can't stand you. In fact. I feel like your a political figure like, "Saddam" or, "Osama Bin Laden"

You are actually a terroist in my eye's.

You were probably a complete loser as a child, and some girl broke your heart and rejected you, so you took it all out on her, and who knows maybe your mom was trying to hook you up someone and you were humilated.

As far as my personal life goes, i'm not going to talk to much about it. I just have questions. And I think the entire world has questions. My dad f**king hates your ass.

You manipulated a bunch of retarded teenage girls to join your cult. And I can feel his rage inside him for you. He doesn't open up anymore because of men like you who brainwash their kids today. Your not a, "Legend" your a joke. Yeah I read that sad letter from Dylan or Eric, and I suspect you might have been their influence, because they used the words, "Were gonna be a legend when we die"

Interesting, maybe you were the motive to columbine, maybe to the Sandy hook shooting, maybe to the current shooting here in california. I mean you sure as hell write alot moron don't you?

I even noticed you were bothering, "Marilyn Manson" F**king leave Marilyn Manson alone. I don't think he gives a shit about you at all. I liked manson as a kid. But I don't engulf myself in his music.

I was at, "Ozzfest 2001" when I was 16. Three months before, "9/11" and I even saw his documentary, "Bowling for columbine"

I studied, "The columbine killers" in general because I was 13-15, when April 20, 1999 happened. Growing up I was never popular myself. But these days, I think the cheerleaders and popular people, should have been were I should have gone when I was a kid.

I shouldn't hang out with freaky girls, tattoed girls, idiotic girls. I should have just listened to my Step-mom. Who encouraged me to finish school, work constantly, get straight A's. And blow of morons like you off. My step-mom is a bad a** role model for me because she never answers the phone unless her son is calling.

And that's what i'm going to start doing. Me and my fiance are engaged now. He's 51 he knows your game too. We all do.

Were happy without f**kwads like you.

And that's pretty much it.

Plain and Simple. I'm not saying, "I hate you," I don't I've never met you. But I don't care to, because if it hadn't been for you. I bet I would have met, certain people that are outcasted and told them, "wear what you want, but be real, be natural, don't put face pain on, unless you really want to, don't let your friends give you make-overs. I don't know how humilating that can be for a guy, but for girls that is the worse thing. For me I don't give shit anymore. All I do is take vitamins, moisturize, and exercise, and that's really all I need to look good, some might say, "Your ugly" i'd just say, "F" you! your just jealous I don't have a double-wided ass, and you do."

Because I was actually about to do some, "Online Schooling" in colorado. I just finished with my, "Admin Certificate" on the deans list. Thanks to my bad a** dad tutoring me. And none of us are killers like you charles manson.

We are, "Peaceful people" that don't believe in violence, and I church hop alot when I get the time. My belief is, "God" plain and simple.

I even scare shrinks sometimes with my brillant thoughs. And I figured sense I drove 25 dudes nuts. Then why couldn't I make you wanna hurt yourself?

Maybe you are the problem dude.

So get over yourself. Your ugly anyways.

With love,

online now!

6/10/2014 11:30:20 AM

I've always been kind on your blogs. You had me till I read this...I shouldn't hang out with freaky girls, tattoed girls, idiotic girls. I should have just listened to my Step-mom. Who encouraged me to finish school, work constantly, get straight A's. And blow of morons like you off...a little generalizing don't you think? So tattoed girls are idiots are morons and aren't worth being friends with? Your being just as wrong as those who have wronged you. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment. They don't. Esp if you haven't instigated it. If you don't want to be judged, then don't do it yourself. If you and god know that your a good person that's all that matters. But take each person as they come. And leave the judge at court. Lol I wish you the best at college, I loved it it was fun!

6/10/2014 12:00:09 PM

Charles Manson was asked if he was guilty of his crimes in front of the parole board. He replied, " If I were guilty you'd all be wiped out."

6/10/2014 4:01:42 PM

Wow! What a senseless rant!