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Kimberly's Poetry
by kimber77blues at 12/3/2014 7:30:03 PM

I love to write poems and do so with passion. I write what inspires me or that I have a passion for. For instance, I respect men and women who are in the military. They get little respect from our government and the people of this country. Not all but more than some. I come from a long line of men and women that served this country. Not limited to but including the American Revolutionary War. I am a direct descendant of Benjamin Twitchell that marched on the Alarm on April 17,1775. It's in my blood to love my country. I don't like the politics or the politicians but this land is worth believing in and proud of. The beautiful land marks and natural beauty is most assuredly breathtaking. I will be posting a poem everyday. It will be about various subjects and passions that I have. I hope you enjoy them.


12/3/2014 8:25:17 PM


12/3/2014 9:15:06 PM

Something positive. Nice

5/31/2015 9:03:04 PM

Thank you both.