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The reason why ....
by blachardfun at 12/28/2014 5:20:37 PM

In my openion the reason why women and men have such a hard time finding love is all the thing most ppl find attractive about a person have nothing to do with love ..your body ..your money , car , house , job and so much more is what's keeping you from happiness ..no one looks at how ppl present theirselves how they care themselves and how they think . If the first thing a man says to you is you got a nice body or a woman say you got a nice car where you work , it's nothing there but sex if that ..see me I find it better to check out the mind 1st I like to know what I'm getting in to I try to get in to your eyes and see your soul that way I know who and what you are . Yes I have a nice body and I may be sexy but
That's not me it my shell now if you take the time to see past that you will see I'm a hard worker a good father I take care of self and family I take care of health and most of all I know that we can't do anything right without God .. My money my body and my looks what I got is all just a bonus for taking the time in seeing the true me ....it's skin deep what you see on the outside will keep you blind to what's real .....and that what I think