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how u know if he is cheating
by missthundercat1 at 2/10/2015 7:24:32 PM

Ok he dont come on dh anymore but we use to communicate all the time now he says he is busy


2/10/2015 7:26:12 PM

If he smells like sex when he comes home. You'll know.

2/10/2015 7:26:49 PM

He's not cheating if all he's done is talk to you on the net.

2/10/2015 7:31:05 PM

Most people on here are married, and having little problem s. In their relationship. Like me. You might be just a fantasy.

2/10/2015 7:36:18 PM

Not all people are married..and if you didn't have a relationship outside communication through here not cheating..sowrry..good luck in your search..

2/10/2015 8:21:38 PM

if you have never met him, and only talked on here, how you can possibly think he is cheating is beyond me, you have to actually have a relationship before you can say cheating, and if you haven't met him.. you don't. @ james, not all are married.

2/10/2015 8:22:12 PM

if you really love him or like him then do what you are suppose to do ,,,,trust him fully ,,,,at least he is telling you that he is busy ,,,,now give him some time ,,,,if he doeant communicate with you any more ,,then that is his lost ,,,not yours ,,,at least you are honest and loyal ,,,,by the way,,, one more thing is that ,,,if that person is really for you ,,,then he will be for you no matter what happens ,,,,always think positive,,, you are just missing him too much thats why you asked that question ,,,just saying ,,,,@ Op

2/10/2015 8:38:40 PM

I met him

2/11/2015 12:07:51 PM

Kiss and make up!!

2/11/2015 1:49:50 PM

I just don't get him at all