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***High Expectations***
by sireena at 2/21/2015 10:26:34 AM

Last night was a rare night. No kids at home, no plans, nothing that I HAD to do. The last couple of weeks have been brutal...the dreaded JURY DUTY!!
I was surprised that I was chosen as typically, social workers are not picked. The process was interesting (this is a federal case) and the first time I have been called for a federal case. The process is much different than it is in the lower courts.
The hardest part is for the majority of the time, you are stuck in a rather small room with a dozen people you don't know and the only thing we all have in common, we are not allowed to talk about! But as the days pass and we become acquainted, it gets easier. The ratio is interesting--4 women and 9 men (one is an alternate). Jury deliberation, when the time comes, will be a treat. (You know how I love to debate) 
It is exhausting though. The week prior, I had to get as much at work done as I could. My clients typically don't function well when in "limbo". I could not give them an exact date as to when I would return but assured them that I would be checking voice and email often and responding when I was able. (Also had to define what an "emergency" is...ha ha)
So...last night, I rented a movie, "Gone Girl". It has received pretty good feedback. It was "ok" in my opinion. It seems, at least in the last few years, it takes more to "WOW" me when it comes to movies.
I plan to make a list as I did last year and see every movie that is nominated this year. The only one I've seen thus far is "Boyhood". Kayla and I liked it but I can see how many may not. It's not a "t&a" flick... no guns, blood or guts, rather it's just about people. I look most forward to seeing "American Sniper", I really like Bradley Cooper and I am familiar with the story of Chris Kyle.
The Oscars will be interesting as well as we see "political correctness", racism and Hollywood favoritism in all arenas. Should be good though, I don't think Beyonce is nominated for anything. 
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, if you are buried in the east, stay warm and safe! Spring will be here before you know it!