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Ready to shed that pesky winter weight?
by sireena at 2/21/2015 3:58:02 PM

March is right around the corner! Woot!
It's time to get that summer-rockin body we all love.
With the holidays and being stuck inside, it's normal to pack on a few extra pounds in the winter months. Once those bathing suits and shorts hit the store racks, it's time to think about getting ready! While not all diet plans work for everybody, there's one that will work for anyone...you just have to figure it out by trial and error.
Here's what works for me:
According to most statistics, my "normal" body weight for my height is somewhere between 135 and 140. I find my "comfort zone" around 128...things just seem to fit better and I feel/look better. Anything less than that and my butt disappears and I hate saggy asses (so do men) 
I need to lose about 10 pounds to get back into my summer yummy clothes. Here's how I do it...
1) drink lots of water all day long
2) get a pedometer (they're affordable) and make yourself put it in your pocket everyday.
3) clock around 7,500 steps per day, even if you are just walking around your house (this gets easier as the weather gets better)
4) eat as often as you feel hungry all through the day but...limit each "treat" to 100 calories. This can be veggies, fruits, dairy, lean meat, fish...there's an endless list of low calorie foods that you can consume and always drink some water...this helps you feel "full"
5) keep your scale in a visible location in the kitchen, it's a reminder and will quickly become a source of reward
In just a few days, your stomach will shrink and become accustomed to smaller "meals". Your digestion will improve as well as your complexion and overall, you will feel better. Think about it this way...even if you eat 12 times a day @ 100 calories, you are still only consuming 1200 calories and you are burning much of that by simply walking!
I started it this week and I've already lost 3.5 pounds. By the end of March, I will be able to focus on toning/building muscle.
One last thing...once a week reward yourself, for one meal...knock yourself out and eat whatever you want. 