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Heart , mind and soul (HMS )
by blachardfun at 4/2/2015 6:25:25 AM
Most men go about it the wrong way and so do women . they go off the looks and the body ...I to use to do this but thru my search for knowledge and love I found that if you focus on heart, mind and soul you will see things the body won't show you , the body will lead you blind ..but the HMS method is how you learn someone inside what they feel how they think and goals hopes and dreams they may have , what do they want in life and how they carry themselves is all important things , do they have their own mind or do they just get told what to do by other do they do what they say they are going to do keeping their word now this goes for men and women ...all these things will keep you open in the HMS ...women be chased men don't be to cool or sorry to chase don't give in to your worldly desires of sex and lust have mind sex 1st so when the moment come to show your feelings to each other thru body it will be all that more mind blowing ...respect and honor each other and keep your HMS ON THE TASK AT HAND a unfocused mind is the devils playground stay focused on your prize ...that man or that woman ...be selfless and caring help encourage build up each other push each other to that next Plato of love, life and business for this is the way to true happiness ....so remember The HMS method ...and you will be fine