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When do you say "When"......
by sireena at 4/4/2015 7:05:42 PM

It's been a long time since I've blogged...I just need to vent!
Several weeks ago, my sweet Charlie hurt his back. He's a long haired dachshund and this breed is very susceptible to spinal injuries due to the length of their bodies.
He was given a cortisone shot, placed on steroids and kennel rest for 3 weeks. He seemed to be getting better but then a week ago, he somehow hurt himself again and this time was worse.
The vet said we could do surgery (the x-rays showed where two of his discs were nearly touching) but the odds were 50/50 that it would work and there is no guarantee that he wouldn't have the same issue with another disc in the future. The cost...$6000.00. So...another round of steroid therapy, pain killers and very strict kennel rest. The only time he comes out is when I bathe him which is a real challenge. I came up with a method to keep him dry when I'm at work by turning the kennel upside down with the tray propped up underneath it with puppy pads for absorption. So when he relieves himself, it falls beneath him into the tray. I'm not sure if he has control of his bowels and bladder or not at this point as I'm not carrying him outside. He screams when I pick him up and there are many stairs to get to the yard.
I think at this point his back legs are paralyzed and it's likely permanent. The kids don't want to hear that...they want a miracle. While I understand how they feel, the boys don't live here and Kay is so busy that they don't "feel" the full impact of this on Charlie or me. I'm doing all the cares for him which consumes A LOT of time.
He's not crying just due to pain at this point, but he's so stressed out and sad, that at times he's just screaming. I can usually calm him down by sitting with him, stroking his head and talking to him but I have to work...often I'm gone 10 hours a day. I feel guilty but I can't quit my job!
Today I ordered a "play yard" type fence on Amazon that I can set up in the kitchen so he can at least "scoot" around and if he has an accident, it's ceramic flooring so cleaning would be easy.
Here's the thing...if he could talk, I think he'd say forget it...I have no quality of life. Is it selfish to keep him alive if he's suffering...whether it's physically or mentally? I'm so torn and tired. It's so hard to watch/hear him so unhappy.
My daughter is with her dad this weekend. I went in to her bedroom to take some of her laundry in about an hour ago and her hamster was dead in the cage. Seriously?
Venting over.