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do not mess with ( Garland ) Texas
by onelonewolfe at 5/4/2015 5:14:57 PM

During a confrontation , At an event center, in Garland Texas the true nature of hatred, crazies and the Islamic religion came together. Two homegrown thugs decided to want to kill people in the name of Islam . Why ? Because there was a Mohamed art contest going on to draw and judge , for a prize, pictures depicting the profit. Not saying it was a good choice or not but there is the first amendment to protect that right.
Now you know there is going to be a problem when the event planners had the swat team there for security reasons. Where was SWAT? Inside the building. Who was outside? A garland school district security person and a simple Garland Traffic Cop. One injured and two dead. Security officer injured and one traffic cop ( A TRAFFIC COP?????????? ) facing two Islamic terrorists with assault rifles and body armor. They died and the TRAFFIC COP shot and killed them both.
Two thoughts here to think about
#1 The violence of a radical religion that can not handle there profit being exposed or fun pocked at. Then where was the christian violence decades ago when there was an art museum displaying a statue of Christ in a jar of urine.
#2 Do NOT mess with Texas. Especially the traffic ( hero ) cops.
Thank God I live in Texas. Especially proud of my city police department today , GARLAND TEXAS.