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Happy Mother's Day
by heartbeating at 5/10/2015 12:05:52 PM

Happy Mother's Day
you seem to know what to say
you often know when to stay out
of your child way,
Eve was the first mother God blessed her
with a child and many more mother's
down the line just for sure.
have a certain smell we are guided to
from birth.
Fresh milk she supply's for her baby
like you and I.
know how to put you in your place
but at the same time bring love
so strong you can feel it in your hearts
no matter if it a animal or human
of every kind of race.
I love my mother
there is none like no other
I am so happy she still a live,
to think some day I will be with out her
make me want to cry.
and this words could mean women
who have never born a child
like me,
But God still place a little something
in all of us women to be caring for
a small or grown up child big and tall
caring for other person whether young or
on this very special day we get to say,
Happy Mothers Day