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a letter to GOD
by onelonewolfe at 5/22/2015 10:53:03 PM

Seems that there was a day that a small child asked his father for a $100 to get a bicycle. His father replied that he did not have the money and he may want to consider asking GOD for help getting it.
So the small child began to pray to GOD for the money. The prayers was not answered so he decided to write GOD a letter to explain why he wanted the money for a bike. The letter was a long and thoughtful one and when it was done he placed it in an envelope and addressed it to GOD, with his own return address in the corner. He then proceeded to place it in the mail box.
Come the next day, the post office received the letter and was puzzled as to what to do with it. The had letters to Santa and the Easter bunny but never to GOD . So with that they decided to sent it to President Obama since he was our leader.
Obama received the letter and was touched with the little boys thoughtful letter that he had sent to him. So touched that Obama decided to send the boy a $5 bill to make him feel better and help him towards getting his bike.
A few days later the boys eyes lit up with excitement as his father handed him a letter that GOD sent to him. The child was wildly excited that God took the time to reply and to answer his wish. Opening the letter up and looking inside, the young boys excitement turned to sadness.
“ what is wrong son” his dad asked?
“GOD sent the letter to me thru Washington “ the boy replied.
“ And did GOD answer your prayers” asked the father.
“Yes he did dad, but those darn politicians took $95 out in taxed” he replied.