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by prettyallpink39 at 6/15/2015 8:44:38 PM

If you sweep all the dirty under the rug, is it still there?
If you sweep all the dirty under the coffee table, is it still there?
Of course it is….
Not only is it still there….
It slowly resurfaces to the top….
Not only does it resurface….
There is more accumulated dirty….
So rather than hide the dirty.. just pick it up.
A person can either mask their pain….
With a fake smile.. Or deal with IT….
Whether it means you have to….
Shed a few tears here and there….
Or maybe more than just a few….
Or just simply acknowledge your pain....
Whether it be from a person who has hurt or betrayed you..
Whatever it is….
Acknowledge it….
Because if you don’t….
You’ll be captive in your pain….
A pain that will creep out in:
Bitterness.. Resentment.. Anger.. or worst Hatred.