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Another Saturday Night
by nobs4u at 7/27/2015 8:19:32 PM

My son is 16,his mom wont let him get his drivers license so we go to "roads less traveled" and I let him drive sometimes.
We were out at 130 am this Sat and returned home to get the lawn chairs,the layout kind. We went to a big field,on a hilltop, surrounded by woods and lay there looking at the stars and the Milky Way until 4 am. We counted 15 "shooting stars". We talked of many things and bonded like I never had with my own father,he had different ways.
We spoke of God,demons,nature and the laws of gravity/physics. We talked of his ambitions and what he wants to do after HS. We talked and I even listened to him,because most young folk just want to be heard. One of the BEST Saturdays I have spent in my life...what a great kid! 