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Bunnies in the yard
by nobs4u at 7/29/2015 6:12:36 PM

Went to the library today,
got my son a library card,
we get home and what do we find,
bunnies in the yard!
It all started as my son sat
upon the lawnchair on the porch,
he spies a bunny rabbit running
like its' buttocks had been torched.
It comes running towards him
and he moves not a muscle
it sniffs a bit and hits the shrubs
still intent upon its' hustle.
It passes close as he records
upon his phone of magic
the bunny stops in the ground cover
and the ending wasnt tragic..
into the cover she disappears
nothing showing but her ears,
she stays a few minutes and hops off
mission ,apparently, accomplished.
We have to take a look and see
just what is up with this,
we poke around and what do we find,
6 little bunnies all still blind!
Eyes not open ,quivering there
in the nest made of mommas' hair (hare hair? )
we cover them gently and let them be
now we hope we get to see
their first explorations in this world...
I sure hope they dont mind the squirrels!
Do not fear,good people,bunnies do NOT abandon their young even if touched by humans...they feed them one time per day and usually for just five minutes,then stay away from the nest to try and avoid attention...very cute,very cool,hope they survive the stray cats and our chihaha!