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Veterans Day's Hidden History
by slimjavy at 11/11/2015 11:27:33 AM

Originally called “Armistice Day,” the holiday began in 1918, celebrating the end of World War I and the idea of ending all war.  A 10-year campaign launched that year resulted in the ratification of the the Kellogg-Briand Pact which legally banned all war making.

We've Forgotten That War Is Illegal

The Kellogg-Briand Pact reads:
"The High Contracting Parties solemly declare in the names of their respective peoples that they condemn recourse to war for the solution of international controversies, and renounce it, as an instrument of national policy in their relations with one another.

"The High Contracting Parties agree that the settlement or solution of all disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them, shall never be sought except by pacific means."


11/11/2015 12:09:44 PM

Need you be reminded that War was not always started by us, but by other countries, and cultures, some Wars were even called Holy Wars, while I don't believe War is always the answer, and a lot of good people get dead for no good reason, it does happen weather we want it or not, We have absolutely no control over other countries and their disputes, My father fought for this country, and our way of life. I will always be proud of the fact that he fought for what he believed in, and to keep us safe.. We didn't start WW11, we were forced into it by Hitler and his wish to rule the World, if we had not fought I shutter to think what this world would be like now. you may think it is bad now, it would be so much worse then. I like being free, free to say what I want, read what I want, and write what I want. Hitler wanted to take those rights away from us. We didn't ask Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor, but they did, thus forcing us to take action. What would you have us do? Sit back and say "oh well, whatever" or fight for what you believed in. I would damn sure fight. Our country has it's issues, others do as well, but we don't go around starting Wars for the Hell of it, War at times is nessasary, Maybe not right, but nessasary... Now mysti will get down off her soap box

11/11/2015 3:05:54 PM

As a practical matter, the Kellogg–Briand Pact did not live up to its aim of ending war, and in this sense it made no immediate contribution to international peace and proved to be ineffective in the years to come. Moreover, the pact erased the legal distinction between war and peace because the signatories, having renounced the use of war, began to wage wars without declaring them as in the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931, the Italian invasion of Abyssinia in 1935, the Soviet invasion of Finland in 1939, the German and Soviet Union invasions of Poland

11/11/2015 3:07:52 PM


11/11/2015 3:56:35 PM

I was sharing something that was not taught in my schools at the time I was attending when I was younger. I wonder why the pact wasn't taught in my social studies class in junior high and high school. It was a damn shame not knowing that part of history. I definitely believe in self defense. It's been said that the pact is still supreme law of the land. Whether it's true, or not...the way I see it, war is inevitable.

11/11/2015 5:23:13 PM

Here's something ( I found fascinating with David Swanson talking about the Kellogg-Briand Pact in the videos. If anyone wants to debate...take it up with him.

11/11/2015 6:22:10 PM

11/11/2015 7:42:43 PM