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Tribute to Laurie & Ryan
by lookin4luv63 at 10/22/2008 1:56:18 PM

I have made so many dear friends in the short time that I've been in the 40s group here @ DH. One, in particular, has done so much to make me feel welcome that I wanted to do something to say Thanks!. Well, Laurie's son Ryan is a member of the US Marines, sacrificing so much so that you & I can know the true meaning of the word freedom. Well, as you visit my profile page, please listen to the first 9 songs on my playlist. I selected them specially for Laurie & Ryan. I love you both! GOD BLESS!


10/22/2008 11:28:41 PM

Yes, God Bless Them Both:Our Prayers are there for you..

online now!
10/23/2008 3:28:19 AM

Keith,I want to thank you so much for thinking about Ryan and I in a special way.It means so much to me from the bottom of my heart.What one friend does for another,doesn't need to be done in return,I did it because you are my friend.This brought tears to my eyes,to know so many people care.thanks also for the songs.Well thanks again Keith.And Gog bless you.If you don't mind for me to make one statement,Ryan is Lcpl with the US Marines,not that the title matters,because all military is equal to me.Remenber when one friend helps another,I don't need anything in return,Thanks your friend Laurie