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Sure Bets of Law Enforcement
by lookin4luv63 at 10/24/2008 11:31:39 PM

There are very few sure bets in life, however, in Law Enforcement, there are a few:

1. A drunk never drinks more that 2 beers.

2. A man & woman in the backseat of a car are "only talking" - regardless of what was actually going on.

3. Any contraband, weapons, etc are never theirs, they were holding them for a friend.

4. Whenever someone says "I swear to God", they're lying through their teeth.

5. If they aren't holding the contraband for a friend, they found it. (I can't tell you how many times I was walking down the sidewalk, and found a couple of uzis, one or 2 AK47s, & a few kilos of dope! )


10/25/2008 12:16:16 PM

So very true, on all of these. Thanks for sharing.