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This is the kind of country we live in ....the USA
by 57channels at 8/27/2009 2:21:06 PM

When D*ck Cheney was VP for 8 years. D*ck could wake up in a bad mood for whatever reason..... look out the window and see some 50-100 protesters protesting the boondoggle wars in Iraq and Afghanistan....see Patriots demanding a real investigation into what really happened on 9-11...carrying signs saying Expose the Deception 9-11-01. D*ck could grab an AK-47 and go out and shoot every last one of them dead.
The FBI would show up at the scene......throw handgrenades of some sort on the dead bodies. The mainstream media would show up----show pics of the dead terrorists hell bent on blowing up the White House...and D*ck would be hailed as saving the White House from terrorists hell bent on blowing up the White House and who knows where else had D*ck not stopped them. Thats the real America the world never sees or the sheep that live here and are too stupid or blind to grasp reality that the USA is truly a military dictatorship where the rich and powerful are NEVER held accountable for any crimes [ lest they break into the other parties HQ..LMAO]