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An All Encompassing Rant... Basically...
by znorth at 8/30/2009 9:16:29 PM

As the title indicates, I have a few things that I need to write about. Well, ok I don't need to write about anything really, but since I have a moment and I'm bored, I will...

Well, I noticed the new "become a gold member" thing here on this site and I have to admit it pisses me off a little. Now I am not a cheap person really and I could afford to join the "gold member I think I'm special" club if I wanted to but seriously, why would I? I find it a bit stupid to offer this type of thing personally. It says something about how if you become a gold member, your profile will be first in searches, your picture will be placed in neon lights with arrows pointing at it and you will get a sign put under your name saying "Look at me, I am desperate so I became a gold member!".

Well, I am personally not falling for the BS and I think that this site is starting it's rise to commercialization and to me that just ruins everything. I could go on about this subject and say all sorts of insane things about the types of people who feel the need to be gold members but I have more stuff to talk about so lets just say, skip it and move on.

Alright, next subject. I was "browsing" profiles because I was really bored yet again and I came across a woman's profile and she said she was looking for a "sugardaddy" and that she drives some really nice car and that she wants a man that can handle her lifestyle. She went on to say that the man must be very generous, which of course means "give me lots of money and toys". I find this type of thing absolutely comical. Some nut case of a woman posts a profile openly asking for some dumb a** man to buy her everything she wants? Now obviously anyone (man or woman) who does this kind of crap is a complete blithering idiot. There is no debating that because it is just true. The thing that gets me is that there is probably some loser guy out there that will e-mail this gold digging wench from hell and ask to go out with her. What kind of nerd does this?

Now before you say that I am just bitter because I can't buy a woman toys and give her cash, understand I can do those things and I do those things but not because I have to or because a woman expects it. I do it because I enjoy doing it. If I feel that I have to buy a woman things and give her cash to keep her around, she will be sitting on the curb eating a bag of 10 day old Doritos while I tell her to get the hell out of my face. Men and women who only want a man or a woman to gain financially or in material things are piles of trash.

One more note that I've touched on several times in my blog. Why is it you can leave this stupid site for days, months, years, and come back to see the exact same conversations in the forums? Does anyone else notice this? If you see a conversation in a forum and come back 900 years later, I would almost bet that somehow the exact same people would be saying the exact same things and the same arguments would still be argued. Now I enjoy the forums sometimes because they can be funny but when the same topic is covered with the same people and the same answers every single day, well they get a bit boring. I am currently taking a break from them because of this.

Well, I guess this wasn't an "all encompassing" post, but that's ok... I feel better for posting it anyway.


8/31/2009 9:33:39 AM

I know what you mean been off the site for most of the summer ,just coming on to see what has been going on, not much new here. I think summer time is a time for living life to its fullest and I did enjoy my summer up untill 3 weeks ago when my friend and I were in a car accident, came out of that with no broken bones or scars but the car was tootled. Now fall is on its way and I love that season too. You really do need to take a break from here from time to time.