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Autumn (Fall)
by rosesandsmiles at 9/26/2009 10:33:12 PM

Photobucket Fall is one of my favorite seasons, so I have a special fondness for fall poems. Before you know it, it will be time for Thanksgiving poems and then Christmas!

When the trees their summer splendor
Change to raiment red and gold,
When the summer moon turns mellow,
And the nights are getting cold;
When the squirrels hide their acorns,
And the woodchucks disappear;
Then we know that it is autumn,
Loveliest season of the year.
~Charlotte L. Riser~

What are your favorite thoughts about FALL?


9/27/2009 3:14:12 AM

fall is very colorful. a great time of the year but i dread what comes after the beauty. cold, snow, sleet and dirt. i do not look forward to all of this. maybe im getting to old to handle it

9/27/2009 3:52:22 AM

I know you like flowers. How 'bout: Asters, mums, and goldenrod, bedecked with autumnal shades. Oh, catch the glorious colors, before fall's glory fades. Fritz

9/27/2009 4:12:47 AM

Fall is my favorite time of the year and the colors are bright and beautiful and My thoughts turn to " fireplaces and warmth and foods cooking and baking :::sharing with loved ones feeling safe and secure and refueling.

9/27/2009 4:57:47 AM

At last, the summers heat will not be beating me to a pulp. I went outside this morning and it was COOL,wet, but cool nonetheless. I know I will be complaining of the cold in a few months but for now it's beautiful.

9/27/2009 5:09:45 AM

I live in MO, but have to say Colorado and Wyoming are favorite vacation destinations for me. A few years ago I finally got to see the aspens turn gold in Colorado, what a magnificent sight! Mixed in among the green pine trees, oh wow. Unforgetable. I used to have an aspen tree in my yard at my old place, everyone said they don't grow in MO, but this one did. Loved the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze, may have to plant one here in town too!

9/27/2009 5:59:35 AM

I love the changing season of fall. The colors are glorious in their splendor, the cooler temperatures soothe our heated brow and prepare us for that dreaded blanket of snow that hits the northern regions.

9/27/2009 7:35:05 AM

Hearing the different aspects of fall, warms my soul. I love driving down the roads or street and seeing the leaves dancing in the air, or hear the rustling of the leaves as I walk through them. I love all the Fall flowers, they are so beautiful and they are saying to me winter is just around the corner. All of you are beautiful, and have beautiful vivid minds. And I think the cold winter months are speaking to all of us that are getting older.

9/27/2009 12:12:06 PM

Roses, Russian & pineapple sages, phloxs, & Grits flowers too. Nights finally cool off. Leaves changing, crisp apples, pumpkins, and the crisp air kissing your cheeks when you hike.

9/27/2009 12:22:54 PM

soothing to the soul alrose

9/27/2009 3:38:43 PM

I too love fall - when I lived in WA state every weekend in October I had meetings that took me across the Cascade Mountains to eastern WA. Those trips were the most glorious trips with the colors of the leaves a different rainbow each weekend. Now that I am in the midwest, I plan to do some exploration to see the fall leaves here. Who knows what may be in wait on my adventures?

9/27/2009 4:08:19 PM

whidbey, thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm sure that your excursions in the Midwest, viewing the fall foliage will be breath taking but Washington State, Ah, I believe is the most beautiful ever.

9/27/2009 11:35:41 PM

I hate fall. The mornings are darker, the days are shorter, it's colder, my roses stop blooming, fall means winter is coming. I never should have moved to WA from CA. I bought a bunch of mums yesterday. It's supposed to rain all week, so they won't get planted. Bah Hum Bug.

9/28/2009 10:41:05 AM

We have had one of the most incredible summers in recent memory, and every sunny day in September is a gift.The cold clear crisp mornings now are a refreshing reminder that those days have come to an end and we are about to embark on another cycle of change. I, for one, welcome the change. those of us that are hardier don't let the weather drive us indoors, and when we are driven in by inclement weather, make the most of it with cozy times with those we love in front of a fire with games or a good flick. You just have o go with the flow and make the best of your situation.

9/28/2009 11:12:21 AM

Thanks arose for your opinion. You to toolgrinder, you have a beautiful out look on life

9/29/2009 5:12:42 AM

I just love,love,love, the fall, As an artist, and painter, It is natures true pallet. I wish I could capture the splendor of it all.. I love working with flowers and dried flowers.. Making wreaths and swags. I decorate my home for fall. I want to bring the outside in..Love my grandkids playing in the leaves. (and messing up the yard) but that is Ok..I get out there with them, and they cover me with the leaves.. Just a preview of Thanksgiving, family and friends. And best of all the Fried Turkey, my son makes. Yummy...::sign cool::::thumbs up::