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Hand dryers in restrooms ~ interesting
by rosesandsmiles at 12/19/2009 3:26:43 PM

You might want to read this article.

Everyone in the cleaning industry has always been told that hand dryers in restrooms are not sanitary, they spread germs and bacteria around. I always thought that this just came from the paper companies because they are loosing sales to the hand dryers. A couple of years ago, I was working with a rep, and I noticed that after he washed his hands and noticed that there were no paper towels, only a hand dryer he left the restroom with wet hands. I asked him about it. He said that hand dryers blow a lot of germs and bacteria around. He also told me to take a look under the hand dryer next time I was in a restroom. There is a filter underneath the hand dryer that is supposed to be cleaned on a weekly basis. I looked at one and it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. It had layers and layers of caked on gunk (disgusting). Since then I will not use hand dryers in restrooms. Now this is where the story gets really interesting. The schools and universities that have had the H1N1 (swine flue) outbreak this year are being told by the health department that they have to take out all of their hand dryers and replace them with towel dispensers because the hand dryers are spreading disease.Hmmmmm Please pass this along so everyone knows not to use hand dryers.


12/19/2009 3:39:40 PM

I have heard this before and I never use the hand dryer for that same reason. Thanks for the info!!! ctp

12/19/2009 4:05:20 PM

Wow...we don't need any more germs for sure.....ty for posting this-----hugs~~~fal

12/19/2009 4:13:52 PM

True! That is why there are no dryers in surgery suites, ICU, or in most hospitals. Also, never put your purse on the floor of bathrooms, if you've picked up fecal matter and spread it wherever you sit your purse! I usually stick a small fingertip towels in my purse for my use or stick paper towels in there. You can use wash clothes also. I'd much rather use them and if I had to, toss them rather than touch anything or expose myself to whatever the dryer sucked up! Thank you for posting this.

12/19/2009 4:18:28 PM

I never use the dryers. When out..I always have a supply of tissue in my purse and napkins in the car. I often keep a napkin in my purse when I know I am going to a public restroom.

12/19/2009 4:30:50 PM

Thanks for info """"and I shall never use another one """LOL

12/19/2009 5:19:20 PM

this is all true.but i find the idea that so many people dont see the need in washing thier hands after using the restrooms alot more discusting.......

12/19/2009 5:32:33 PM

Again, seems the traditional ways are better...hehe...I'm old fashioned sometimes.

12/19/2009 8:26:44 PM

Wow, Thanks for the tip! I never took the time to look at the hand dryers. Believe me, I will the next time I go into a public bathroom.

12/19/2009 9:28:58 PM

I know I did not like them for a reason, now I got the reason

12/19/2009 9:42:12 PM

Wow no more dryers for me..That is disgusting....

12/19/2009 10:01:11 PM

I never liked them because they take forever to dry your hands under and the less time I spend in a public restroom the better---would that make me a germaphobe?

12/20/2009 10:52:22 AM

well rose I am a good student as this morning I remember my lesson that you taught """"""Heck gal you might save some one life as everything starts with germs.

12/20/2009 1:08:01 PM

Jenny that is true....any thingthat we contract does start from germs.

12/22/2009 4:27:01 PM

Might be true.... Now think about door handles, shopping carts, money, Grocery freezer door handles, gas station hose handles, pet licking you after licking every thing else and what the track into you home on their feet, and how many times does your mail get handled ! etc.... and last...Kissing !

12/27/2009 8:41:32 PM

i have to say it again, i worry more about those who dont wash those hands at all but at the same time i do know what roseandsmiles is true.....