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ain't I thexy????

This was taken on Halloween and not what I look like everyday. Actually, this isn't me, I'm on the Krispy Kreme Calendar......JULY....LOL ain't I thexy???? Just a closer look.......:)

Playing on the beach last year with my neice. More barnwood and this is in my husbands gameroom. He couldn't figure out why I brought all that old wood home. He's my ex now but he still has his gameroom. This is a fake door in my ex-husbands gameroom. I'm from KY so I had to include an outhouse door I started this patio about two months ago. It's 10'X25' and I've done all the work, including the swing set you see at the end. I cheated and bought the swing. This is just how I spend my free time. Since this picture was taken in July, I've replanted the flower beds you see. The wood pile in the background is my neighbors...the fence runs along the side but its hard to see. My yard is always

And this is what I really look like on a day to day makeup...or should I This was taken last summer on my trip to Sebastian Inlet....vacationing with my sis and family... I just learned to use a web July 2007