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I share my gifts with you, for I am nothing without a way to exchange my love and experience of life. Music is my vehicle to travel through space and time and you are the reason for my journey. - Gabe - The Band of the Century, Home Jones. Keep your eye out and your ears pitched for them. I play trumpet and I am the old guy on the end :-) (stage right). Just Thinking Of You Clubbing in Amsterdam. I'm the one in the middle ;-)

I love composing music. The pub in Ireland. What's the name of that beer, and does anyone remember the main staple in Ireland? All I can remember is that it's all good! BTW! I'm the guy in the black shirt ;-) Clubbing in Dublin. Ireland's World Cultural Festival was the perfect setting for listening to world music. Oh! I'm the guy in the middle looking a little spent.

I peer through these objects and wonder, for they are hard and cold, yet they are the instruments that give wings to my thoughts. Thoughts are manifest as energy and the energy becomes vibrations. The vibrations create pitch and tone and touches those who would listen to the message that was once a passing thought within the universe. 5 days in Paris and not a single shot with my face in it. What a wonderful city with loving and caring people. I'm not in this picture, but I did take it. The Al Hambra in Granada, Spain. I went to Europe alone and although I had some anxiety about not speaking any foreign language, the people all made me feel at home. Most spoke English as their second language. That is I in the doorway of the Rotunda at the Alhambra Cordoba, Spain. You are looking at Mezquita de Córdoba. The Moorish Mosque. For over seven hundred years (the Golden Age) Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in harmony and prospered. Will we ever know World Peace, Love and Harmony again? One person at a time. Love begins with you. - Gabe -

Clubbing in America. The Red Owl in Tempe, Arizona. In case you're wondering, I really love people. Especially women! Hugs are nice, but I need someone to hold me and love me (for who I am). What else is there to say? Here I am as I am because I am who I am. But do you really know me? Molded from the experience of life, filled with the love eternal, and delivering the message of 'unconditional love' for those who are truly ready to submit. - Gabe - Music is my vehicle for expressing the thoughts within my mind and the love within my heart; thoughts of love and emotions which define who we are and defines our character. I give thanks for this gift of music for it allows me to fulfill my purpose in life's many choices and paths. I give thanks for you for it is you that I play and share my message That purpose is trumpeting in "Unconditional Love!" The love is within you.