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Thread Poster Post Date
What are the odds?
You right. I dated guy in Lowell and when he offer me to move in I thought I need more than just boyfriend to move,leave my condo,job,parents ... too risky... what if it will not work out:dated and li...
dreamon823 4/30/2010 4:54:19 PM
Any real Men in Ct?
You can't always be on receiving side ,man.
I hope you realize that
dreamon823 9/17/2009 7:18:15 PM
Connecticut Chat
Any real Men in Ct?
Toward Las Vegas?
dreamon823 9/17/2009 7:13:24 PM
Connecticut Chat
Any real Men in Ct?
I don't think you should. Not near me. The way you presenting yourself
dreamon823 9/17/2009 7:00:06 PM
Connecticut Chat
Any real Men in Ct?
I didn't meat one yet. Probably not
dreamon823 9/17/2009 6:58:03 PM
Connecticut Chat
Singles Bar B Q- East Meadow, NY
2hrs 15 min too far for me,sorry
dreamon823 7/2/2009 4:36:04 PM
New York Chat
Younger men, older women
Funny you talk about this: the oldest guy I ever dated was 1 year older. I am not looking for younger guys: it's just happened that usually guys of my age or older have no energy to go places and do t...
dreamon823 6/28/2009 3:36:52 PM
Connecticut Chat
Is anyone on here really lookin for someone???
Ooooo we do! Wildly awake! "Rome wasn't build in one day" means to some of us that relationship required work and time :briks and cement needed as building block. You want something right away:check s...
dreamon823 5/16/2009 5:21:28 AM
Long Distance Rleationships
I will not try overseas:too much risk. I want to think long distance is possible even 2 of my relationships required long distance : didn't work for me. I just thought(and still do)if you decided you ...
dreamon823 5/16/2009 5:13:15 AM
THE truth or the TRUTH candy coated?
You can try to lie and some of us wise enough and vendictive enough(why not you started it?) will let you head this pass.. you guys getting attached too, don't tell me you don't as I know you are...Yo...
dreamon823 5/16/2009 5:02:59 AM
ladies please let me know if u would date me just by looks??
You are not my type but look alone will not cut it for me,yet I will not date someone I am not attracted too either
dreamon823 5/16/2009 4:57:08 AM
What do you Want in your Bedroom A---Z
Unbridled passion with connection on ALL levels and time will stop:
dreamon823 5/9/2009 11:46:28 AM
shorter than I am taller than you
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dreamon823 5/9/2009 10:50:50 AM
Dating General Discussion
CANCELED EVENT: RI Singles Dance - Warwick
It's adrive for me as I live in Central CT I may consider if it will be attending by a lot of people. Thing is that from many people who are signing for the event not many people actualy going...
dreamon823 5/9/2009 8:55:59 AM
Massachusetts Chat
What do men lie about the most with online dating?
You all right. It really senseless to lie about tall, weight and married as it all will come to the light rather quickly. You know if you can meet person on weekends, Fridays, etc...
How long it w...
dreamon823 5/6/2009 2:33:26 AM
Dating General Discussion

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