Crescent City, CA
age: 35
I go to the local library to use their faster computer. I noticed that after retuning back
to the library, my account is already loged on!!!! I know that I sign out EVERYTIME!!!
Well I lost a friend due to some "hacker" finding my profile and writing a TERRIBLE message to two of my friends in my "inbox folder"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One friend wrote back, the other made her profile INVISIBLE. So now I can't even write her to tell her what happened... POOR GIRL!!!
FEATHERDANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you read this....Then you will know that I DID NOT WRITE

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 56
Change your password ... uncheck the "keep.." box et cetera ..

Tampa, FL
age: 37
Maybe if you learned to use the features of DH properly, that would not happen. There is an option Under your account, you need to turn off the automatic login option. If you do not, anyone who uses that computer can get into your account. That is not a hacker, that is one who does not use the proper methods to secure their information from a public computer. The login security to your account is your responsibility. not DH.

Palm City, FL
age: 46
Sorry to hear about your problem death. It is very distressing when someone says you said something you didn't say. No matter how it happened it is still not right and I can imagine you feel really bad. Some of us don't lack the sympathy gene. I hope it all works out for you.
[Edited 5/26/2008 4:28:18 AM PST]

age: 42
When you are finished on the public computer, and you are sure that automatic login on the site is off, clear the cache of the browser and this ladies and gentlemen is a valid and very important thing to do anytime you use a public computer.
Sneedville, TN
age: 50
I live alone and no one has access to my pc but me.It's still a good idea to clear everything and close.Never know when you might have a breakin,for sure if you do their gonna take your pc.So just cover all tracks and no worries...