7/31/2007 6:17:49 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
7/31/2007 6:18:28 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Saint Cloud, MN
age: 32
no because youre not really believing in a thing or a person
7/31/2007 6:20:23 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
Ironranger, why do you pose a question to which you already seem to have all the answers?
Why ask? Why not just pontificate right from the get-go?
7/31/2007 6:23:28 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
Haven't I smelled your opinion before. At least your face looks extremely familiar, but it had a different nic last time.
You couldn't possibly be Helen, could you? I'm looking all over for Helen. She owes me money.
Can't seem to find that b*tch anywhere, just a dozen or so smell-alikes.
You will let me know if you see her around, won't you?
That's a good boy!
7/31/2007 7:52:19 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
it is nice to have unexpected hugs I think I will start a new religion based upon the belief in hugs. imagine..........
7/31/2007 9:21:16 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Statesboro, GA
age: 19
you spelled atheist wrong in your acrostic.
7/31/2007 9:37:25 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

El Paso, TX
age: 36
sam welcome back. you explained and got back in?
7/31/2007 9:40:10 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Statesboro, GA
age: 19
yep..twice. apparently the second time i was accidently banned. the first time it was because of those kind souls who wrongly accused me of being behind the poll changes.
7/31/2007 9:43:21 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

El Paso, TX
age: 36
yeah i remember the first time. someone is still causing problems though..hopefully they try and find out before banning someone from here on out.
7/31/2007 11:15:54 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Glad to see you are still here kido.
8/1/2007 5:52:46 AM |
is atheism a religion? |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
Excuse me
I did
Spell atheist wrong
My bad...
[Edited 8/1/2007 6:02:55 AM]
8/1/2007 5:55:51 AM |
is atheism a religion? |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
Hey, 9thStreet, whacha gonna call your new 'hugs' religion?
If suggestions are welcome, how about calling it the
"Humanistic Unconditional Gratitude Society" or the
"Happy Unexpected Greeting Society"
or, if the religion requires that one must turn the other cheek and love ones enemy, how about the
"Hugely Underserved Greeting Society!"
[Edited 8/1/2007 6:22:33 AM]
8/1/2007 6:20:04 AM |
is atheism a religion? |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
im not a helen.
ive never been on the website before.
im not an athiest.
i dont know about athiests or what they think.
when grown ups dont know something, they ask other grown ups.
when i read what athiests have to say, they normally dont say what they think - they like to rip down others for what the others think - namely people of faith.
i didnt honestly know if athiesm is considered a religion until i was on bible bashers.com........ its clearly a religion.
it is also clear that athiest dont hold themselves to the same standard as they hold on others of faith.
the other question i have is if athiesm isnt a religion - what does an athiest get out of posting in a religion thread or on a religion topic?
freedom of speech??? ---- thank god.
8/1/2007 7:01:54 AM |
is atheism a religion? |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
im not a helen. (Yeah, you are!)
ive never been on the website before. (You'd need to prove that to convince anyone...)
im not an athiest. (I could think of a number of other things you might be, but no, not an atheist.)
i dont know about athiests or what they think. (REMEMBER YOU SAID THAT! OH, REMEMBER IT!)
when grown ups dont know something, they ask other grown ups. (And this is relevant because...?)
when i read what athiests have to say, they normally dont say what they think - they like to rip down others for what the others think - namely people of faith. (BUT YOU JUST SAID YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT ATHEISTS OR WHAT THEY THINK! GOTCHA!)
i didnt honestly know if athiesm is considered a religion until i was on bible bashers.com........ its clearly a religion. (BUT YOU JUST SAID YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT ATHEISTS OR WHAT THEY THINK! GOTCHA!)
it is also clear that athiest dont hold themselves to the same standard as they hold on others of faith. (BUT YOU JUST SAID YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT ATHEISTS OR WHAT THEY THINK! GOTCHA!)
the other question i have is if athiesm isnt a religion - what does an athiest get out of posting in a religion thread or on a religion topic? (We get the same chance to argue our point as you religious fundamentalists get to argue yours.)
freedom of speech??? ---- thank god. (OH, yeah! Freedom of speech is for EVERYONE. And thank a soldier for that!)
If, as you insist, there is one God and only one God, then why is 'freedom of speech' not UNIVERSAL if your God is an omnipotent God and can do almighty things? He should be able to snap his lordly fingers and create that freedom in a New York Minute!
Not an important enough issue for him, huh? Like pedophelia in his churches! Jesus said "Suffer the little children to come unto me" and where is Jesus when the same little children suffer rape in the churches committed by the clergy? Yes, yes, I know, Jesus is coming again. Meanwhile.....
Genocide is happening all around the earth right under your God's holy nose!
Starvation kills hundreds if not thousands in Darfur every day! (Jesus looks at his watch... Nope, not time to return yet...)
Your God must one busy fella up there running paradise! Much too busy to bother with all his precious children down here. We're dying in droves down here but God is headed for the golf course and maybe he'll check back with us later.
Your God has some heavy duty explaining to do, Hellen.
8/1/2007 8:19:55 AM |
is atheism a religion? |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
im not helen..... she or he must have made a serious impact.
you missed the point about questions. i dont know what athiests think and i dont know about them...... so i ask or post a thread or respond with a question. questions are good ways to learn. hl answered a serious question in another thread despite my misuse of terms.... and it was a good answer too.
i dont know what athiests think, but i do know what they write...... i respond to what is written on the thread.
Why do you need to prove a point?
if there are no gods.....
then the human condition on this planet is brought about by humans.
all the terrible things you attribut to religion are really a result of human logic or illogic - it doesnt matter how - just matters that a god didnt do it.
two more questions:
is Earth a better place because of human thought and knowledge?
Can an athiest be spiritual?
is spirituality logic and reason or is spirituality something else?
your welcome