7/30/2007 9:29:09 AM |
is atheism a religion? |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
Is not believing really believing?
7/30/2007 9:36:28 AM |
is atheism a religion? |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
7/30/2007 1:01:08 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
if atheism is a religion..... then it also hurts people, causes war and is subject to subversion and control. athiests must fall to the same philosophical trappings as christians....
7/30/2007 1:27:40 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
hee hee Oh I see trouble brewing on this one. But I have to say that atheism is a "belief" and not a religion.
7/30/2007 1:44:03 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51
yep this is trouble! 
Any thought that tries to explain the mystery/origin of life risks the possibility of becoming religious. Many would say evolution borders on that, as was Marxism,and even democracy. If were to trust Joseph Campbell religion means ‘linking back’. All metaphysical thought systems tend towards that propensity. Atheism is the linking back to no~thingness. What is to be explained is belief in belief.
7/30/2007 1:46:15 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
atheist believe in nothing so id say they dont even believe in.... atheism...
7/30/2007 2:49:11 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
as a former atheist I must say that atheists dont believe that the answer is availible at our piriod in history. I suppose atheism could be considered the neutral religion because they dont participate in religious practice
7/30/2007 11:35:20 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Neither do I. Religion is an organized group of people beliving the same thing. For I think The Creator interacts with each of us as differently as we are as individuals. Otherwise we ARE just a flock of sheep.
I cannot tell anyone how the Supreme Being will relate to anyone else anymore than anyone can tell me how It will relate to me. And that is what I believe.
I am not a religious person I am a spiritual being.
7/31/2007 7:28:38 AM |
is atheism a religion? |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
nope, {(a) = without} + {(theism) = god} = without god, so what you have is a nonbelief in a god
7/31/2007 7:54:21 AM |
is atheism a religion? |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
athiests systematically worship themselves above all else which is a religion.
Athiests are also organized and fall pray to capitalism like other religons. apparently athiests needs hugs and need to be controlled too.
[Edited 7/31/2007 10:22:21 AM]
7/31/2007 1:54:15 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
I like hugs?
7/31/2007 2:05:37 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I do not know about atheists because I am not an atheist. But everyone falls victim to anything that is negative to their nature, if they do not know who they are, they are not allowing their natural good to control.
Man is a social being and needs others in their lives, That too is part of our nature.
[Edited 7/31/2007 2:07:19 PM]
7/31/2007 2:41:19 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
Atheists doesn't mean that they don't believe in a God, but that they don't believe in "God". There's a difference. A person that chooses not to believe in religion, "A God", doesn't necessarily mean that they don't believe or have the capacity of believing in something. Some atheists choose to have more concrete evidencial substance that can provide solid answers to profound questions such as the meaning and origin of life. There are many people that are not religious that believe in the study of science and scientific proof. Belief is defined as mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something: something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons. Atheists perhaps do not believe in "A God" or "gods" because of how one religion or science can provide doubt or validity in another faith.
They feel uncomfortable following or practicing a specified religion. There are some people who are spiritual, meaning they don't practice one religion but accept the cognitive of all religions.
This freedom of choice doesn't catagorize them as immoral or lost people. Don't forget, many religious sects believe that their religion is "truth" and anything other is wrong.
example: in court, jury members base decisions with unanimous consent and without reasonable doubt. What religion or faith, as an undiversified whole, has the world unanimously concluded as "truth" or what to believe in?
[Edited 7/31/2007 2:42:33 PM]
7/31/2007 2:53:35 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
nope, {(a) = without} + {(theism) = god} = without god, so what you have is a nonbelief in a god
There is a man that knows alittle about language. The letter 'A' means 'No'
America is spelled like this:
A= no
meri= mercy
ca= scottish for herd sheep
America means, 'no mercy for the sheep'
so where do you think the word sheeple comes from?...
it is not for just no apparent reason at all...it is by design that everyone follows the herd.
[Edited 7/31/2007 2:56:00 PM]
7/31/2007 6:16:04 PM |
is atheism a religion? |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
I'm with you all the way, 9thStreet!
A humungus bunch of hugs, just for you!