9/29/2012 1:52:56 AM |
Anyone with pet birds? |
Schenectady, NY
46, joined Aug. 2012
I have an African Gray parrot that has been in my family since early 80's and became mines in 97'. I think in total she is 33 years old. I also just adopted a 23 y.o yellow crested male C*ckatoo. So far there are any jealousy issues but they both have a number of years left to live. Being single/no kids with disablities they are every to me.
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9/29/2012 7:52:15 AM |
Anyone with pet birds? |


Counce, TN
51, joined May. 2009
Currently,no,I dont.But a sister of my heart does have a turkey vulture she rescued years ago who to this day refuses to leave her yard.He flies free and very well,but he believes that is his home.You never think of a turkey vulture as being anything this personible bird is.He is so very comical and enjoys being tickled under his wing.I dont care what anyone else thinks,that is a beautiful bird and in flight,the empitome of grace
9/29/2012 10:09:47 AM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Phoenix, AZ
33, joined May. 2012
A couple years back I had an emu. I lost my job and my home was going into foreclosure. I had to put her down and extract her valuable oil. Her oil took me out of the hole. She was an awesome bird for giving her life for me.
9/29/2012 1:32:22 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |


Calvert, TX
55, joined Jan. 2008
yes, a pair of Macaws,which we are soon to breed. We did research and found that a huge mailbox is the perfect size for the box. We also have Quakers which have not had eggs in over 2 yrs. we are getting rid of them because of the cost of feed and they were for breeding and selling. Not going to just feed birds.. We have a few quail we let run loose in the bird building and they eat the food that hits the floor etc and also keep the bugs out..
9/29/2012 8:38:04 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Asheville, NC
34, joined Jun. 2012
I was once the owner of an ILLEGAL great horned owl. Let me see if I've still got a photo.
9/29/2012 9:00:37 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Asheville, NC
34, joined Jun. 2012

[Edited 9/29/2012 9:01:17 PM ]
9/29/2012 10:43:44 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |
Schenectady, NY
46, joined Aug. 2012
[quoteheader]Quote from unc0uth:[/quoteheader][quote] [/quote] Love the Owl. What happen to it? Did you feed it live or dead rodents?
9/29/2012 10:58:22 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Asheville, NC
34, joined Jun. 2012
I fed it cat food. Seriously, that's what the raptor center said to feed it.
I gave it to the the raptor rehab in Charlotte because it's illegal to keep them. They are very territorial.
What if you were the postman/woman and you were casually delivering my mail one day and out of the sky you heard a screech and suddenly your eyes were gouged out. I bet I'd get no more mail... ever delivered to my home again!
10/6/2012 5:52:21 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |
Lobelville, TN
56, joined Sep. 2012
I have a c*ckateil that is about 26 years old. He
talked until my dad died and now he just says a
few words occasionally. He and dad would talk back
and forth all the time. He is like me and misses dad.
10/6/2012 11:54:54 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Muskegon, MI
31, joined Apr. 2011
I have a funny little talkative quaker, his name is Sam and he's so awesome. I also have a pretty blue parakeet named sky, he is so adorable but has a stuck up attitude, he is also so awesome. Last but not least, I have a pretty lil girl c*cketiel who is so cocky but loves to be held or sit on my shoulder, she hates to be petted anywhere but on her head, and she's so awesome too.
10/14/2012 7:00:36 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Miami, FL
40, joined Sep. 2012

10/14/2012 7:00:40 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Dresden, TN
52, joined Sep. 2012
I have a blue a gold macaw named bella, very smart and talented, says alot of different things, mama, hello, hi, bye bye, what, whatever, no, uh oh, uh huh, matt, cmere, cmere belle, shutup, pretty bird, pretty girl, good girl, mmmmmmmmmmm is that good, alot of other things, she sings, dances when I tell her too, coughs and laughs, loves to ride in the car, goes for walks, plays on swingset, very fast learner, I also have a red lored amazon named gizmo, he talks extremely well also, whatcha doin, im gizmo, shutup belle, he also laughs, whistles some of the andy griffith song and sings bad boys, I have bella on utube in some videos, truly amazing animals if anyone has owned one of these birds they know exactly what im talking about
11/3/2012 5:16:14 AM |
Anyone with pet birds? |
Las Vegas, NV
20, joined Sep. 2012
Right now we have four C*ckatiels, but we used to have an African Grey Senegal, which was my baby, a Yellow-headed Amazon [my dad's], and a Moluccan C*ckatoo, who was my mom's. At the same time we had two Green-cheeked Conures and four different C*ckatiels at the same time. Quite a zoo, huh? xD
When I get older and move out I want to adopt a Galah C*ckatoo and a Rainbow Lorikeet<3
11/3/2012 10:43:46 AM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
My daughter had pet parakeets (Jade & Crystal). They both died the same day. Do you suppose that when the gas furnace was turned on for the winter that the escaping fumes poisoned them?
11/26/2012 3:11:48 AM |
Anyone with pet birds? |
Maspeth, NY
35, joined Nov. 2012
Blue parrotlets...java sparrows....green cheek conure...button quail...diamond dove.....various Finches...peach faced lovebirds....plumhead parakeets which are my gems.
11/26/2012 3:14:20 AM |
Anyone with pet birds? |
Maspeth, NY
35, joined Nov. 2012
I used to work with ostrich and hornbills at the zoo..actually I worked with many birds at the zoo.
11/26/2012 12:38:56 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Jackson, OH
51, joined Jul. 2012
I had a parakeet which did learn to talk. That was in my late teens. Her talking was quite plain. She was quite tame and friendly, but you could never drink coffee around her, she'd steal it! Land on the side of the cup and drink. She was so ornery!!
[Edited 11/26/2012 12:39:59 PM ]
11/28/2012 3:11:41 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Pleasant Prairie, WI
53, joined Oct. 2011
I have a bare eyed c*ckatoo, a c*ckatiel, and a budgie . The c*ckatoo suffers from night terrors quite a bit, youd think he was dying and hurts himself now and then. Cant seem to find a way to stop it.Anyone got tips?
11/28/2012 6:16:18 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |


Grove, OK
65, joined Dec. 2010
Not any pet birds, but I do come from
a long line of bird dogs..
My grandpa " ole Blue ".....
His brother they use to call " tiny Tim ".. \
My mama ( bless her heart ) whom I take after..
Don't delete meeeeee...
send me money and...

Digital Dog
12/13/2012 10:58:23 AM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Evans, GA
61, joined Aug. 2008
Night frights - put a couple LED night lights in the room for him. Make sure the window blinds are closed since car headlights can cause shadows which scare them. The LED lights also help him see if he does jump off the perch.
12/13/2012 10:59:53 AM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Evans, GA
61, joined Aug. 2008
I have 2 at home and work with over 1300 on weekends at America's largest nonprofit rescue.
You can sign up for the newsletter, open to the public on weekends.
1/24/2013 9:57:09 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Evans, GA
61, joined Aug. 2008
I just added 4 more rescues to the home flock
2/17/2013 10:48:22 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |
La Vista, NE
60, joined Nov. 2012
That Great Horned Owl Is just a baby in that pic. almost all down feathers.
2/17/2013 10:55:05 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |
La Vista, NE
60, joined Nov. 2012
Yeah, Just leave on some type nightlight. A lamp with a 25 watt bulb. You do not cover the cage do you? Quiet room, night light, uncovered cage so as to not startle the bird with your movements. Even after that if you enter the room do it slowly & I even talk to my birds softly as I'm starting to walk in so to not startle them which has happened if I enter to quickly!.
3/6/2013 6:27:39 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |


Dyer, IN
51, joined Oct. 2009
red headed lory amazon parrot
4/5/2013 2:40:19 AM |
Anyone with pet birds? |


Berlin, MD
64, joined Aug. 2012
Have you consulted an "exotic" animal vet? i've been told that birds that show signs like yours have been traumatized in some way. did you obtain her from someone else? there could have been problems in her back ground that had to do with trauma at night. consulting a vet is the best thing you could possibly do for you feathered friend! good luck!!!
i myself have two parakeets at this time....Blu & Tucker....bad boys,that's for sure!
[Edited 4/5/2013 2:43:34 AM ]
4/23/2013 5:36:12 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Osseo, MN
47, joined Feb. 2013
I have a bare eyed c*ckatoo, a c*ckatiel, and a budgie . The c*ckatoo suffers from night terrors quite a bit, youd think he was dying and hurts himself now and then. Cant seem to find a way to stop it.Anyone got tips?
It is really sad that birds have to suffer from loneliness...
My lovely medium sulfur crested c*ckatoo does this when she is lonely. She has got to keep the device made of certain size plastic funnel around her neck and body to protect her from destroying herself. It works really well for my bird. If you would like to know how it is made, feel free to contact me.
4/23/2013 6:50:33 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Warner Robins, GA
42, joined Jan. 2010
4/28/2013 11:28:06 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |


Henderson, TX
48, joined Mar. 2011
I have 4 baby African geese that follow me around like the pied piper...do they count? They'll get in my lap and snuggle, hand raising them so they won't be mean.
4/29/2013 6:49:44 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
I had a pair of love birds --- Jade & Emerald ... they kissed each other to death.
4/29/2013 8:19:05 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |
Cedar Grove, NJ
36, joined Aug. 2012
I am a falconer. Licensed.
4/29/2013 11:37:19 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
I like to watch the falcon soar and drift on the mountain currents.
5/3/2013 6:37:49 PM |
Anyone with pet birds? |
Lobelville, TN
56, joined Feb. 2013
I have a c*ckateil for 25 years. He can even sound like an owl he hears in the yard. He is crazy. I love him.