6/5/2008 10:53:39 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |
Seagoville, TX
age: 41
I don't know if you guys have seen this...but it's worth seeing...oh my! The deceiver is BUSY!!!!!!
God bless America, and Oprah too! She needs our prayers!
[Edited 6/5/2008 10:59:09 PM ]
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6/6/2008 2:29:40 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

New Orleans, LA
age: 56
Not the most significant person in the approaching history, but there is a frightening large number of people who believe and accept everything (anything) this woman says.
Although this is not Opra's invention or original idea, this notion of "everyone is god" is soon to become the "One World Religion" and will be imposed (enforced) in the name of peace, by the coming (in it's birth pains as we speak) "One World Government".
Though some may stand strongly against it (as the few ladies in the audience did) it's both frightening and REVIELING to see how many in the audience are nodding their heads in agreement - accepting it "with open arms" and not difficult to see how it can become the "accepted" religion. The idea is to end religious unrest in the world by "accepting" a bit of all religions into the One World Religion.
The rain clouds are on the horizon!
Read your Bible folks and pay particular attention to how it all turns out!
[Edited 6/6/2008 2:36:37 AM ]
6/6/2008 5:46:34 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |


West Monroe, LA
age: 59
I was upset when I first saw this awhile back.
I am praying she will see the light......
Let's all stand together and pray. 
6/6/2008 6:32:33 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

Port Charlotte, FL
age: 65
another thought !
...By about twelve years shall the millennium have passed when the resplendent mantle of legitimate power shall emerge from the shadows where it was being kept by the schism (*). And beyond harm from the one ( the usurper antipope ) who is blocking the door of salvation, for his deceitful schism shall have come to an end etc.
prophecy of Franciscan, Blessed Tomasuccio de Foligno ( c. 1319-1377 A.D.)
This isn't what oprah was talking about ( I think, didn't see the program )but something to think about. the " * " is for Vatican II (1959).  
6/6/2008 6:57:13 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

New Orleans, LA
age: 56
Where did I see this posted? In a similar thread I think.
I had never seen this before, BUT ....
It's curious (to say the least) how many non-Christian or in this case not-included-in our present Bible predictions are suddenly beginning to align with the predictions that are in the Bible.
If certain recent political developments continue on schedule (as planned) the timing you mention fits nearly perfectly! (the way I see it!)
6/6/2008 8:05:53 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

Port Charlotte, FL
age: 65
I did post it with a remark concerning the Mayan calender date 2012 
If you want more reading ( and I do mean "MORE" ) check "Todays Catholic World.com,
I find Catholic history more interesting....seems everybody can quote the bible
Good Luck 
6/8/2008 10:19:48 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 53
thank you so much for the videos!!!!
I did not know she was on this path but gives new light to the temptation given to Christ in the wilderness when offered all the kingdoms of the world if He would bow down and worship Christ.
6/11/2008 2:16:21 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |
Quitaque, TX
age: 49
my aunt sent me something like this a few months ago when she called and i was watching oprah that day (not something i usually watch) concerning puppy mills. after watching what she said, i had the shivers. she is so popular with people they will believe anything she says. i'm not saying shes not a good person, but this isnt the way i was taught about God and Jesus and the bible. scary  
I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and that the only way is thru him. I pray for nonbelievers to meet him, accept him, and learn to live through him. They will never be the same again. God bless us all
6/11/2008 6:17:41 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |
Lakeville, MN
age: 26
wow, thats wrong. but god will use it for his will, even though she does not know or does not want it to happen. God will use this for his purposes.
6/11/2008 10:52:53 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

Sheboygan, WI
age: 28
I did post it with a remark concerning the Mayan calender date 2012
If you want more reading ( and I do mean "MORE" ) check "Todays Catholic World.com,
I find Catholic history more interesting....seems everybody can quote the bible
Good Luck 
I believe there was just a show on the History Channel a couple weeks ago about the year 2012... Apparently they do not make calendars past that year and the computers are not programmed for 2013 either... Along with the Mayan calendar, the Chinese calendar also does not go passed 2012.

6/12/2008 6:49:31 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

New Orleans, LA
age: 56
This is just food for thought, y'all, and I'm not saying I'm convinced of this or that I'm not!
The Bible even explains that there can be "seers" and "sooth-sayers" but that thay may not necessarily be from God.
Suppose ..., just suppose for a minute that the Mayan calender stops because their visions were visions from "other than God" and they couldn't see into the earth's future where it becomes changed by God!
BUT... the world wide disasters the Mayan calender predicts are the exact same global disasters predicted in the Bible!
Just a thought!
Of course, for that to be true, some major, global political and religious changes would have to happen REAL soon!
Just a thought!
6/12/2008 6:51:08 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

Port Charlotte, FL
age: 65
I do believe the Mayan calender, this previous prophecy and Edgar Cayce all have one thing in common...they don't say ending of.....but the beginning of a new age
6/12/2008 8:00:48 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |


Denver, CO
age: 45
Oprah is dangerous. Her followers think she is the wisdom of the age.
6/13/2008 4:41:30 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |


Spring, TX
age: 58
fame and fortune has allowed satan to take this woman from a 'Bible Thumping' Christian church, and lead her to believe in the 'me' religion.
sadly, she leads others astray with her...
6/13/2008 7:14:38 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

White City, OR
age: 57
Geesh, that freaked me out, but I did know Oprah was not a believer. I've been wrestling with my belief/faith in God because I think I have been around too many unbelievers. The bible says something about be "in the world" but not "of the world". I can't express my urgency of being "NOT of the world" just because I felt so rejected by the non-believers. The bible talks about that. They did it to Jesus for cryin out loud. They'll certainly do it to His followers. I have never "felt" more comfort and peace than when I am in His Will and in His Word. God please keep me on track Father, and God, please give my brothers and sisters in You Lord, strength and endurance to finish the race. amen
thank you for this video sis, denise
6/13/2008 7:16:42 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

White City, OR
age: 57
wow, thats wrong. but god will use it for his will, even though she does not know or does not want it to happen. God will use this for his purposes.
I agree little brother, absolutely denise
6/14/2008 9:00:32 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

White City, OR
age: 57
Hi Kay, I read your reply and know how you feel, well, as much as anyone can "feel" what someone else is. I struggle with really liking people that aren't following Christ but they seem so nice and looks like they are doing so much good. What I am learning is this. If someone is doing good works on Earth, who are they doing it for if not God, His Glory? To answer that with what I think is two purposes. One is to truly have love for people or to be proud and boast of it like the pharisees did. Let the world know how much you've done Oprah. As far as I know, none of her good deeds are done anonymously, so no humility there and she gets something out of the deal. Im not saying that's why she does at all. Just some thoughts. Another thing is, I believe no one knows real Love until they know Christ/God/Holy Spirit. I believe that satan himself makes everything look good and appealing, that's what he knows attracts us, pretty things, rich things. We are all selfish until we start walking with Christ and then slowly but surely, we become self-less, more of HIm and less of ourselves. Oprah is the richest woman on Earth according to "worldly" wealth, but this is her final reward, what she gathers here on Earth, like maybe Howard Hughes. How heartbreaking to come to the end of her life and find out how little true "richness" she could have had in Christ. What a wonderful christian she would be but she chose to use the gifts God gave her for the enemy
I hope this note finds you at peace in the arms of our Loving Father. I feel better just for being amongst other christians this a.m. God bless you and write me anytime. Your post got me to write out what I truly believe this a.m. and I thank you sister for that
God bless, your sister in Christ, denise
6/14/2008 9:07:05 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

White City, OR
age: 57
Oprah is dangerous. Her followers think she is the wisdom of the age.
But the enemy has no power over us unless we let him. Oprah does not know what she does, and those that follow, well, I believe it is in God's plan. I was sure in awe of how the christians held their ground with her, but did you notice how upset "she" was getting. She was interrupting them like she had the right. She knew she could not out-debate God's people. She is allowing herself to be ruled by darkness. Yes, we need to pray for her bro, good to see you this a.m. ysic, denise
6/14/2008 10:08:28 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |


Simms, MT
age: 58
This has been an eye opener to say the least. I love Oprah, but I had no idea that she put a back side to Jesus, my heart is broken. I have not watched her show for probably the last 4 years, don't get regular stations any more. These last 2 days have been strange for me, 1st issue about Koran and now this. What is my Lord preparing me for? All of you have given me something today, Be Blessed and thank you.
6/14/2008 10:20:11 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

White City, OR
age: 57
This has been an eye opener to say the least. I love Oprah, but I had no idea that she put a back side to Jesus, my heart is broken. I have not watched her show for probably the last 4 years, don't get regular stations any more. These last 2 days have been strange for me, 1st issue about Koran and now this. What is my Lord preparing me for? All of you have given me something today, Be Blessed and thank you. 
Hi Dove, remember it is not Oprah or any "flesh" we battle, but the powers and principalities of evil. I am sad Oprah has bought into the lie but we all are being prepared and are all "fooled". That's why we have to stay close to His Word and use the discernement we each are given, for the harder times to come. Love you sis, denise
PS Something tells me that Oprah may be an example for all the world to see. I am not so sure that she truly believes all she is preaching. I noticed she got upset and interrupted the christian speakers. They were very Godly by the way, especially the little gal that stood up. I saw fear in Oprah. She may come around with the help of our prayers, and what a powerful witness she would be for Christ
6/15/2008 1:44:46 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

Tampa, FL
age: 38
I can only respond in this way, we have heard "THE LORD GIVETH AND THE LORD TAKETH AWAY".
Think about it.
6/16/2008 6:31:58 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

Rolla, MO
age: 52
Oprah is a citizen of this country because slavery was a way of life in christian America 300 years ago. Judge not lest you be judged. 
6/19/2008 9:13:16 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

Tampa, FL
age: 38
Oprah is a citizen of this country because slavery was a way of life in christian America 300 years ago. Judge not lest you be judged. 
What does that have to do with Oprah denying Christ?.
6/25/2008 5:25:50 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |


Seagoville, TX
age: 41
Oprah is a citizen of this country because slavery was a way of life in christian America 300 years ago. Judge not lest you be judged. 
What does that have to do with Oprah denying Christ?.
Yeah, I'd like to know that myself! :/
6/26/2008 8:07:20 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |
Fayetteville, NC
age: 27
If there ever was a time to have a personal relationship with Christ and to get into His word and know it for yourself, it's now. The bible says that there will be a time when even the elect will be fooled so stay on guard and keep your whole armor on.
6/27/2008 8:21:54 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

New Orleans, LA
age: 56
I echo and agree with BerriesnCream's statement! This video is proof of that statement!
[Edited 6/27/2008 8:22:14 AM ]
7/23/2008 9:32:53 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

New Bedford, MA
age: 53
I have never been an Oprah fan, but there is no chance of it now. These are very important videos, and they teach us about the dangers of following man rather than God. Thank you for posting them.
7/29/2008 9:58:08 AM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

North Augusta, SC
age: 41
Oprah is not the only one we have to worry about. Satan is really alive and at work on this earth. Obama is one of the false propets
8/26/2008 5:30:28 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |
Saltillo, MS
age: 41
Oprah and everyone who believes like her need Christ maybe even more than those who are atheist and agnostics.
9/2/2008 6:09:51 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

Largo, FL
age: 52
OPRAH IS A ANTI CHRIST!...FROM SATAN!...shes being used big by satan!...she is a threat to the world!...shes a strong leader ....she needs to be cast out!people need to see her for who she is ,,,a fals e teacher ,...shes a spiritual leader for the people she leading them to hell!
9/2/2008 6:31:03 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |


Prescott Valley, AZ
age: 63
OPRAH IS A ANTI CHRIST!...FROM SATAN!...shes being used big by satan!...she is a threat to the world!...shes a strong leader ....she needs to be cast out!people need to see her for who she is ,,,a fals  e teacher ,...shes a spiritual leader for the people she leading them to hell!
hi..... iam trying to stay off the other forums.....there is just alot of gossip...& idle talk,,,, but...
but this oprah.... is part of that NEW AGE.....stuff...... i heard alot of un-truths from her....she mixes...truth & error.....
9/2/2008 6:52:31 PM |
Oprah Denies Christ/ Oprahs Church! |

Largo, FL
age: 52
the bible says the last days many anti crist will rise up....many are here already...Obama is another ...he denys CHRIST!