8/4/2007 1:39:41 AM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Monteagle, TN
61, joined Feb. 2007
Waking Up From the Trance of Social and Scientific Orthodox Propaganda
"What luck for rulers that men do not think" - Adolf Hitler
So, with all the "stuff" out there in terms of what we are being told every day, how do we keep ourselves from becoming duped and "doped"? Can we achieve immunity from the vast epidemic of mindlessness that sweeps each year like clockwork through our society?
What do I know, and how do I know it? From what source am I getting my information? How do I recognize a "snowjob"?
If an idea is presented to you as THE explanation for some event or THE solution to some problem, you must say to yourself, "what other solutions are available?"
ISOLATION of the population. ISOLATION is a component of brainwashing. Because the intellect learns by COMPARISON, when it is presented with only ONE POINT OF VIEW or CONFLICTING DUALITIES as presented in the orthodox media (resulting in chronic indecision), the intellect loses the capacity to discriminate and ultimately ITS CAPACITY FOR FULLY RATIONAL THOUGHT.
We must not forget that there are many orders, degrees, levels, and kinds of realities that correspond to as many kinds of minds that perceive and create those realities. When this fact is forgotten, TUNNEL VISION develops.
Groups in "power" mode pretend "absolute objectivity", which of course is impossible, and because they are emotionally and "promotionally" involved, develop TUNNEL VISION. When a group in power has a vested interest in sickness and disease, the approaches to the problem (which in many cases has been deliberately created) will be expensive, circuitous and complex. (AIDS, CANCER, GULF WAR SYNDROME, WAR ON DRUGS, GUN CONTROL)
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8/4/2007 4:58:01 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |
Owatonna, MN
48, joined Jun. 2007
8/5/2007 6:33:34 AM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Woonsocket, RI
56, joined Jul. 2007
I understand(kinda)the point you are making and agree(kinda)!If there is however, so many orders,degrees,levels and kinds of realities,and we research all of them before we make an "informed"opinion on something,WHEN will we,if ever, get the answer????
Im sticking to my "fairy tale"....Most peoples intentions are "good"and we shouldnt let one bad apple(the Jackson 5)spoil the whole bushel!!!!!! PEACE
8/9/2007 11:23:36 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Bartlett, IL
50, joined Jul. 2007
8/10/2007 9:54:26 AM |
Waking Up From the Trance |

Seymour, IN
69, joined Mar. 2007
There was a period in my life of about 10 years when I did not have access to TV. The reason is not the point. After this length of time without the influence of TV or radio, when I started watching again, it was very obvious that the programs had an agenda that they were pushing. They are very effective in brainwashing.
8/10/2007 1:18:20 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Woonsocket, RI
56, joined Jul. 2007
Would that be the same "brainwashing"and "mind control" that the supermarkets you have said, has over us?
From what I remember...they put the sugar filled product and, such that they want you to buy in front and on the eye level shelves.And all the candy at the check out where while your waiting your kids can see and get you to buy.
They stock the shelves w/ what sells the most where one can easily obtain it.Most people go to the market knowing what they want or need,they dont stand there and think hmmmm,that looks good,Ill buy it. The candy is at the end of shopping and obviously,childrens wants are a factor,maybe its there because...most kids hate having to go to the grocery store w/whoever,whoever doesnt have a choice so they have to bring the kid/kids along.Now...whoever knows that the child is most probably going to get bored and cranky from past experiences but thank goodness all the candy is at the end of shoping,so whoever has leverage or a "bribe"and tells the child,if your good Ill get you candy at the end.Is it fool proof? NO but what a difference a candy bar or 2 has made in my happy grocery experiences!!!
8/10/2007 2:15:39 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Monteagle, TN
61, joined Feb. 2007
swcw yes it is...everything is a conspriracy...a lie...I could go down the list about your whole entire life and convince you of it and you could not take it...it sounds so outlandish that you cannot wrap your controled mind around just exactly where you are in this world...such is the case with most everyone here...thats why its called a trance....sleep walking...you are convinced you know something and you think and feel that you are doing a good thing in your life when you are not...its brutal and evil what is going on in your life and you don't even know it...its called mind control...every single little thing you can think of about your life, is a complete lie and is working in direct contradistinction as to who you really are as a powerful spiritual being...you would actually have a breakdown if you knew...the river runs deep from way before you were born...the subversive use of symbolism has shaped your world and you don't have a clue...but I feel you sound as if you definately have a chance at waking up from the trance if you continue to ask the big questions to understand just exactly what is really going on about the beautiful life that you have been given. You do know some truths like most people do...unfortunately they are only half truths...now would you rather walk around knowing half truths that are only there to make you feel warm and fuzzy or do you want to know the truth and wake up from the trance?...the time is now...pull out all the stops and find out just exactly what has been going down in your life...you only 'think' you know but you don't...of course they knew you would be hard pressed to be convinced about your life otherwise ...that is because they did such a good job at fooling you into the illusion that you have grown up with all these years. It would appear to be an insult what I'm saying I realize...it is not meant to be, believe me I wish I were wrong.
[Edited 8/10/2007 3:22:02 PM ]
8/10/2007 2:46:57 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Woonsocket, RI
56, joined Jul. 2007
Insulted???? NO..thats where your wrong,,I dont get insulted when I think someone has something to say that doesnt put me or my beliefs down.I am very eager to learn anything that may help me to have a better understanding of a better (more positive & productive)way of teaching my children to be the best they can be.So far for me and mine,living an honest,Christian based life works. Until I have "proof" in English that I can understand,that theres a better "way" Im sticking to mine. Peace
8/10/2007 2:50:19 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Monteagle, TN
61, joined Feb. 2007
jewlz its hard for me to debate you when you never give specific examples
hiya syngar...interesting comment thanks...what's to debate?...why would I want to waste my life involved in a bunch of controversy debating things when i know what I know...I don't need to convince anyone of anything...I don't need anyone to give me approval or validation as to what I know...please don't take me wrong by thinking that I said, or that I think I know everything because that is what people do...they only read what they want...they are trained in controversy and they make shit up in their minds that is not there...we all have learned to do this from our mind controled system...selectivity..what I do has got nothing to do with what someone else is doing or thinks...
On the other hand...I like to discuss issues and things and brainstorm things, but debating is for someone else, as you can very well get an ear full of anywhere you go. I rather spend my time doing other things..people are trained to think they need examples and proof of everything to back up what they are saying...let me tell you something...the sheeple are never going to get the proof they need and are looking for...it ain't gonna happen...they are in dreamland...this is the left brain society that everyone was mind controlled into...either you know a thing...or you don't...believing something is different of course...
I don't get paid enough to babysit someones mind if they can't get off there a** when all the information is right at their finger tips...people think they know things and I know they don't but its not a put down...I know they are so busy in their lives they only get little bits and pieces of the puzzle in 15 minutes sound bites and never get the whole story so most are just talking out of the side of their mouths....because their mommy or daddy told them it was so...or their minister told them it was so...and because it said it in the bible, the fix all cure all...so people can sit on their lazy minds and wait for jesus to save them from the second coming, so they give the president permission to go start another war all in the name of god...god is a man of war..nice aye.
[Edited 8/10/2007 2:51:51 PM ]
8/10/2007 2:58:12 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Monteagle, TN
61, joined Feb. 2007
well isnt that why you are here to debate? i mean if all you wanna do is proselytize then i am postive there are better venues
Ok so now you are presuming that you know why I'm here...that is what I mean about people making shit up their minds. Thank you syngar I am sure their are many venues for many things I haven't given the time to look into...did you want me to leave?
8/10/2007 3:15:48 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Monteagle, TN
61, joined Feb. 2007
no but lets be reasonable there are two major reasons to be saying this stuff, to lecture us or to debate us, and since you just said you dont wanna debate, it makes me wonder why you chose this site for it
Ok sure lets be reasonable...what if there are 'other' reasons you might not have thought about as to why I am here saying this stuff? Who said anything about lecturing or debating?...you did, it is in 'your' mind, not mine. So you are wondering why I chose this particular site out of all the other sites to do what now?...do you have an answer for me? because I'm alittle mixed up as to why you seem to be so concerned about what I am doing here when it has nothing to do with nothing...did we meet somewhere before?..do you have kids?
8/10/2007 3:38:29 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Monteagle, TN
61, joined Feb. 2007
ok syngar I'm calm now...whew..it took me a few minutes but finally did it.
since you seem to have a reason other than what ive suggsted
Ah ha sorry syngar I didn't see where you suggested something, I must have missed that part.
Ok I just went back checked and I did not see anywhere in what you were saying where you actually suggested anything. Perhaps you were meaning to suggest something? Not sure really.
either that or you are just being officious
Now there you go again trying to get me into some controversy by presuming something that is not there. I'm pretty sharp syngar not too much gets past me, sometimes I slip and get hoodwinked but I'm getting better by the day.
Would you like to play a game of mind control? I consider myself to be pretty good and its alot of fun.
8/10/2007 5:44:41 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Monteagle, TN
61, joined Feb. 2007
ok syngar sorry I got caught up doing somethings....you are right...I had to look back again and I actually found where you suggested. You're really makin me work aren't you...I did elude to you that sometimes I'm not totally immune to things slipping past me...it could happen...though you are putting words into my mouth by saying I am denying something. I just haven't said, there is a difference. If you would stretch your mind alittle and consider that this is a public forum...you might consider using other features available on this website to get certain answers to your curiousities...though I can't promise you any great adventure in coming to any conclusions in your query at this point in our relationship.
8/10/2007 6:02:51 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |

Seymour, IN
69, joined Mar. 2007
How about a reason like if we don't get together and do something about what is happening to our country and in our name, we are going to be living in a police state in a very short time and we are going to allow it.
8/10/2007 6:08:00 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |

Seymour, IN
69, joined Mar. 2007
And as for you SWCW you can make fun of me if you want but as I said there are people paid a lot of money to show stores how to sell you what you did not come to buy.
I do not know many people that go into a store even with a list, they just start buying whatever is easy to get cause we are in such a hurry.
Do you ever watch anything like Discovery channel or Discovery Health channel. They have stuff like this on all the time. The manipulators are quite proud to tell you how they manipulate you.
8/10/2007 8:35:50 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Woonsocket, RI
56, joined Jul. 2007
Queen...I wasnt making fun of you,I took something you had said previously,and tried to show it in a different light w/ a bit of humor added.You have done similar things as well.
I know hundreds of people in my community (all kinds of people)and the majority shop w/ a list so they are not wasting time walking aimlessly around deciding what they went there for or what they want.
Yes I do watch Discovery channel and such like it.For every bragging manipulator that is hired by supermarkets there is an honest,decent,business person,who doesnt brag about being hired to show supermarkets how to "best" serve their customers. Peace
8/10/2007 11:50:44 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Monteagle, TN
61, joined Feb. 2007
Yes I do watch Discovery channel and such like it.For every bragging manipulator that is hired by supermarkets there is an honest,decent,business person,who doesnt brag about being hired to show supermarkets how to "best" serve their customers. Peace
I think you misinterperate and misunderstand what was said about the manipulation taking place...there are no bragging manipulators that are hired by supermarkets...never heard of such a thing...queen was saying that the controllers of your life are proud to come right out in the open and rub it in your face and actually tell you in the mainstream media how they manipulate you using subversive techniques to get people to buy stuff they don't need.
It is a very subtle thing which means that it is below the level of your understanding how they get you to do what you would not ordinarily do....supermarkets are not there to give you customer service, or to see to it that you eat right, they are there to keep you buying their garbage food and to keep you coming back to keep you sick from malnutrition and to take your money...thats it.
There are not any decent honest manipulators...that is an oxymoron...there are people that are only doing a job to get a pay check and don't mind being deceiptful and lying because they're just doing their job...they may be totally unaware of what they are doing. Just like the cop that kills someone that was 'not' out of self defense...he gets away with it because he was just doing his job...if you or I did such a thing, do you think you would get away with taking a human life? because you did not have a blue uniform a badge and a gun? Of course not.
You are stuck in a consenses trance...you think you see honest decent people out in your community that care about how to best serve their neighbors when in reality what your are seeing are smiling depressives, who are mind control slaves that you could not depend on if your life depended on it...they would rather turn you in to the authorities if you looked at them crosseyed...you are seeing the world through rose colored glasses...Alice in Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz...its all mind control.
Walt Disney was an illuminati porn freak and they heavily embedded mind control bullshit in all of your kids cartoons while they were growing up to shape their little minds to be good little slaves...you think you are doing a good service in your community by teaching sunday school when in fact you are helping the illuminati's agenda by perpetuating the lie about what is really going on to all the young fragile little minds that do not know any better...it is really discussting if you actually knew the evil taking place behind what you cannot see with your eyes...you are not going to get an understanding of the deception taking place in your life in a few weeks of reading a few articles...it takes a few years to understand just how deeply you have been screwed over and how your life has actually been stolen from you...you are not going to figure it out with any logic in a few conversations in this place either.
[Edited 8/11/2007 12:25:08 AM ]
8/11/2007 8:02:28 AM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Woonsocket, RI
56, joined Jul. 2007
Jewelz...I didnt misunderstand.I simply meant that yes I know there are people who specialize in getting people to buy things for no good reason except that the advertising is alluring.And yes we know there out there because they go on tv and such and tell us there out there and what their main objective is(manipulating). My point was...There are also people who specialize in teaching(for lack of a better word)All Businesses and Cooperations ways to make their customers/personel,buy from,or work for in a positive and benificial way. Those are the people who dont rub in our faces the "good"that they do for society as a whole.
We werent talking about the ones who do their job and dont even know that their being deceiptful or lying.....we were talking about the ones who Do know and love to tell about it!
The so called people in my community that I couldnt depend on if my life depended on them,have in fact, been there for me when literally my life depended on them.
I have made a committment to myself to learn and try to get a better understanding of the so called deception you speak of.I am fully aware of and am willing to take the time that is sensibly needed to get as much information as possible.
And as far as Mr Walt Disney goes,...I remember several yrs.ago rocking my son to sleep while watching one of his movies and thinking,what a wonderful human being he is and how his movies have such a positive impact on the world! Warm & Fuzzy? YES I watched an old one last night holding my 3 yr old grandson and it was Beautiful (in my eyes)! Peace
8/12/2007 11:00:12 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Bartlett, IL
50, joined Jul. 2007
8/12/2007 11:01:37 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Bartlett, IL
50, joined Jul. 2007
something like that?
8/13/2007 9:10:45 AM |
Waking Up From the Trance |

Knoxville, TN
35, joined May. 2007
hey jewelz when are you going to wake up from that trance you are in
8/14/2007 11:09:12 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |

Seymour, IN
69, joined Mar. 2007
I really don't think the mall was the point. People are so easily controlled that when they find out about it they think it is funny. It is not so funny when you are working to give your money to the Federal Reserve bank or to give your life for a fake war.
8/26/2007 3:18:33 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Bartlett, IL
50, joined Jul. 2007
Lyrics for: Sheep
Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away;
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air.
You better watch out,
There may be dogs about
I've looked over Jordan, and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.
What do you get for pretending the danger's not real.
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel.
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes.
Now things are really what they seem.
No, this is no bad dream.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green He leadeth me the silent waters by.
With bright knives He releaseth my soul.
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places.
He converteth me to lamb cutlets,
For lo, He hath great power, and great hunger.
When cometh the day we lowly ones,
Through quiet reflection, and great dedication
Master the art of karate,
Lo, we shall rise up,
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water.
Bleating and babbling I fell on his neck with a scream.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you're told.
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.
8/26/2007 3:22:39 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Bartlett, IL
50, joined Jul. 2007
8/26/2007 4:37:28 PM |
Waking Up From the Trance |


Spring, TX
62, joined Jul. 2007
when i read the title, i said, man, this is gonna be great...then i read the post, and wow... more like 'The Twilight Zone'.