6/8/2008 1:38:54 AM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |

Georgetown, TX
age: 48
what event, person, concert, feeling, happenstanch,etc......made you want to play music?
6/8/2008 11:20:53 AM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |

Denver, CO
age: 50
I think it watching my Dad and all of extended family while my Dad played country music and yodeled around the camp fire on his guitar camping in Wa. State. The first instrument I tried to play was the violin. I think it is so emotional. Unfortunatly, my first and only teacher on the V was an over-wieght red haired teacher that I'm sure had high blood pressure. His face was always bright red. Our attempts at 6 yrs old playing Mary had a little lamb must have drove him over the edge. He used to hit our hands with the bow. He scared the crap out of me.  
6/9/2008 9:16:28 AM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |
Deltona, FL
age: 33
I was six years old, christmas morning. I opened a nylon string guitar and fiddled with it on and off mostly off. No influence that I can remember besides night rider and the a team. more of a hobby for me now I have two an amp foot pedals good stuff.. 
6/9/2008 9:42:49 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |
Pocomoke City, MD
age: 26
I snuck into my brothers room and strummed on his guitar for a few minutes, the rest is history.
6/9/2008 11:11:50 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |

Georgetown, TX
age: 48
I can imagine teaching 6 yr olds would be tough. sounds like he had some "issues".....
"yodeling"? That's a lost art. We just lost an Austin fixture recently, Don Wasser, musician, yodeler extrordinaire. His band played almost every Sat. night at the "Broken Spoke" for the last 25 years. A local "honky tonk", that served up one hell of a chicken fried steak.
6/24/2008 8:34:56 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |

Rogers, AR
age: 55
Well in the 60's it was cool rock and roll what better
to do the lick!than have a guitar.
so presteige was it for me!didn'nt learn much so
trying to start over!and those fingers don't stretch anymore!
I wish my parents would have beat me to learn piano!
so at 55 i still struggling to play guitar!
Music is the coolest thing!And to be able to put music to a song you write
has to be the greatest accomplishment damn thats a long word
prob spelled it wrong
have a lotta lyrics with no music but maybe some day!advice to all never stop
music id the best thing you can ever acheive!man set foot on the moon but a song soothes
the heart!damn jhny thats a new quote!this is from the heart guys if you have any talent go for it!
6/25/2008 5:09:29 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |
Brooklyn, NY
age: 41
I think that my older brother (died December 1, 2006) was my biggest influence. He was a guitarist. His playing inspired me to pick up guitar. I now have his two electric guitars, one of which need a lot of work. The other is an over 30 year old Gibson Les Paul.
6/25/2008 6:37:24 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |
Underwood, IA
age: 21
A good friend of mine played guitar and I'd asked him for lessons, after he died in a car crash I started seriously trying to learn.
6/25/2008 7:27:46 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |
Brooklyn, NY
age: 41
So, frqntflyr, what inspired you?
6/25/2008 10:16:10 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |

Georgetown, TX
age: 48
So, frqntflyr, what inspired you?
funny you should ask that Luv... I had several "inspirations" in my childhood. Although my Dad couldn't play a radio, my Mom was big into 50's, & 60's R&R (I am now the caretaker of her massive 45 collection) she was always playing music. At the age of 6, or 7,(I don't remember the exact year) I saw the Beatles preform live on the Ed Sullivan show. I was mesmerized. I begged for a guitar....it was not to be for awhile. In 5th grade we actually had band class in Austin, not just recorders,or "kiddie" instruments. Real band. I was totally enamored by "Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass", and I loved "Doc Severeson" on the old Johnny Carson show. So I picked Trumpet.....My dad took me downtown to JR Reed Music, we bought a used "Olds" trumpet, and I started playing my heart out. How my folks put up with that, I don't know. I was actually a very accomplished player. I won several awards/ribbons/trophies, at the local, and state level.I played all the way up thru hi school. along the way, I was seduced by R&R, at 12, I got that guitar,(used,$20) with money from my paper route. At 14, I was turned on to "Iron Butterfly", "Grand Funk Railroad", and your fav....YES. I was immediately attracted to the Bass, each of these bands had killer Bass players. I thought the bass was the perfect instrument, you got to be very rythmic, with the drummer, and you got to be melodic too. The best of both worlds!!! I had some money saved...so I bought a used Fender Jazz Bass, and a 50 watt Fender Bassman amp, from a guy out of the want ads for $250, and the rest is history? I still have that jazz bass by the way, it's a 64', what a steal that was!!!
6/27/2008 7:28:47 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |

Fairfax, VA
age: 53
I used to watch the old "Ozzie and Harriet" tv show, and loved the guitar playing when Ricky Nelson was on the set...James Burton was the main guitarist and I loved his sound. My Dad was really into country and at the time I enjoyed listening to his lead guitarist (Don Rich). And, growing up around the Washington, DC area we had Roy Buchanan and Danny Gatton, among others. My Mom wanted me to join the Big Band jazz group in High School, and that got me into jazz...and of course there was Jimi Hendrix.
I was probably about 8 when I got my first guitar...a Sears acoustic that one of my aunt's gave me for Christmas. I don't have that one anymore, but have everyone I've owned since then!
To say that I have eclectic tastes in music is an understatement 
[Edited 6/27/2008 7:30:34 PM]
6/28/2008 11:33:28 AM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |

Landing, NJ
age: 35
yup.....i also grew up in a music atmosphere with my dad playing several instruments. at the time mtv had just started airing so i was glued to that. but really i think the drums picked me cause ever since i remember i have been banging on something. started out on my mom's old tuperware and pots and pans, got a set when i was 9. the first band that i went crazy over was The Police and there still one of my fav bands to this day. as far as my influences go now you can find out on the "what kind of music do you like to hear" thread if anyone cares. to lazy now to go through...lol......it's saturday! i can be that way right?
6/29/2008 12:08:22 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |

Gainesville, GA
age: 43
I've always loved music but it took my first real heart break to get me seriously into it.
6/29/2008 6:01:46 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |

Columbus, OH
age: 50
What made me pick up my first instrument (The guitar)was because Grandfather Alibrando,paid for it and also paid for the lesson's.The teacher who schooled me was the late legendary Whitey Lunzar.At least he was for years here in Columbus Ohio.
6/29/2008 9:27:00 PM |
What made you first pick up an instrument? |

Dover, FL
age: 28
i picked the cello because it was the biggest one (they didn't have any basses when we got to pick) i came to learn that is only the sexiest intstrument on the face of the earth and haven't put it down since!! I even have a bachelors in cello performance and 2 1/2 years of grad study 