Kansas City, MO
age: 49
My son is going to Iraq in Sept.4 for 9 months,He is a supply truck driver for the AF. 
Rancho Cordova, CA
age: 58
We will keep him in our thoughts. 
West Chester, PA
age: 58
Will place your son on my prayer list
that the Lord will keep him safe
until he is home for good.
Will pray that the war ends soon.


Big Stone Gap, VA
age: 52
Buddy, What's your Son's Name? We all need to know at least a first name so we can mention him by name in our prayers. He will continuously be in my prayers until his homecoming as well as you and your whole family will be, my friend. 
Dear Lord; Give Buddy peace and comfort, only the peace that you Lord can give. Bring his son home to him safe and sound in body and spirt...this we pray in Jesus Holy Name...Amen.       
Thank you, Lord, for answering our prayers. We claim you protection over Buddy's son and his fellow comrades in arms. And, we'll NEVER forget to give you the praise and the glory for this protection. Thank you, Jesus!!! 


Big Stone Gap, VA
age: 52

Hi Everyone. I'm Buddy's friend and he has ask me to post his son's name so we'll all know to add his name to our prayers. His name is Jeff. Please pray for him and ALL our troops. They could really use whatever support we can give them. Thank you all so much. Have a wonderful night and GOD BLESS!