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8/7/2007 7:17:04 PM |
In the name of Christianity ......... |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
I think you misunderstand and are reading things into something that is not there. It is not the christian sheeple themselves that are to blame or at fault...or any other sheeple of the various religious organizations for that is the clergy, they are the ones that are responsible for perpetrating the lie...most of them 'think' they are doing a good thing with their calling of trying to teach the gospel..the christians themselves or whoever, do not know they are victims on a grand scale of the greatest deception of all time. The christians themselves, are not the ones doing the controlling of minds. Most everyone in society is walking around totally out of their minds from centuries of mind control. It is a very subtle thing that you are not going to agree with or understand the nature of how and why such a thing would be taking place. Subtle means below the level of your understanding.
The illuminati has the means, to funnel down to the sheeple through the clergy, what they want them to know. They need to keep everyone divided from having a relationship with themselves, so that they cannot actually have a relationship with anyone order for there to actually be any PEACE. They are warmongers and they are the ones who start these wars to keep the fear of God in you so you will keep passing the basket for the money changers...
They need to get everyone to support their war machine by getting you to believe a terrorist wants to kill you so you will give up more of your rights, which you will feel is a small price to pay in favor of more they can climb up your butt and know every move you make and every breath you take, and you will thank them for it.
There is every conceivable agency available and in place, put there to erase your holy spirit and to erase your spirit of rebellion against the tyranny that is being perpetrated on mankind...just so you could never figure out that YOU are actually the one who has all the power. They need you to give up your power to some other 3 party entity, essentially so you will keep passing the basket which leads you to believe they are doing a big favor for you, by bringing you the word of God from the bible by way of jesus christ superstar.
8/8/2007 2:19:22 AM |
In the name of Christianity ......... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Obviously Im having a major 'brain fart" yet again, cause your losing me,yet again!!!!I do so appreciate the patience and time you take w/ me so please know its not falling on deaft ears,and that im very interested in your beliefs!!!!! PEACE
8/8/2007 4:44:10 AM |
In the name of Christianity ......... |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I think the most freeing thing for me, was knowing that there is not a powerful deciever out there trying to cause me harm, so I will suffer like him. There is no devil. That makes me feel as if I can make the right choices and no one but myself is standing in the way.
By the same token, there is no judging god out there counting up my good v bad points. Just a creator that has given life to the universe and and gave my life to me to live the way I choose. It has also sent 'enlightened ones' to help along the way to guide me so I don't have to be hurt by my own actions. And as far as others, all I have to do is love them and I will complete my task and responsibility as a human, showing my greatfulness for my life.
I have found this to be a much more loving Creator than the one I have read about in the bible.
8/8/2007 7:28:51 AM |
In the name of Christianity ......... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
So you are saying that you believe that the creator that has given life to the universe,has given you a life to live as you choose?Do you have proof?
And your sure this creator doesnt judge? Because???
This creator is much more loving than my God,the "one'in the Bible? hmmmm
Last but not least by all means...I could be wrong,and I apologize if i am ,but could the powerful deciever trying to cause harm, be called Jesus by most????
Perhaps your talking and sharing your beliefs in riddles as to not offend or disrespect anyone elses beliefs,is that it???? A new improved,softer,kinder way to bash the Bible.
Me....I prefer it when people call it like they see it,at least i know for sure what Im up against! PEACE
8/8/2007 10:29:04 AM |
In the name of Christianity ......... |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
No am was not saying Jesus was the evil one I was saying that the devil is not outside of me. I am fighting myself not some powerful evil being.
I believe that the Creator is love, not loves, but is love and when I am expressing love I can feel the Creator. And having experienced that love I did not feel any judgement or disapproving. I consider Jesus to be one of the inlightened ones.
I was not talking in riddles sometimes it is hard to get across what you mean, in words, without being in person.
[Edited 8/8/2007 10:33:12 AM]
8/8/2007 10:37:17 AM |
In the name of Christianity ......... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Please forgive my b*tchyness directed at you Queen.You didnt deserve my ass hole ness,Im truly sorry!!!! PEACE