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6/21/2008 10:45:30 AM |
Dream Interpretation |

Augusta, ME
age: 31
precognition is totally possible ive experienced it, nothing groundshaking, no big info. i personally beleive it has to be part of your experience, like i dont beleive in nostradamus's stuff because it was beyond his experience, but hey i could be wrong. ive read some books on Tibetan Dream Yoga, which is like lucid dreaming and theres all kinds of amazing stuff mentioned. some precognition stuff. talks about dreams of guardians and teachers. i managed to increase the amount of dreams i have by changing my sleep habits to waking up every couple of hours. writing down your dreams will increase your recall in time which can add to how much sense your dreams make. ive had quite a few dreams about swimming with whales, ive sunned on a rock with a seal, a koala bear told me to drink tea. as far as interperatation goes i think its about your own personal archetypes not so much a common language but alot of us here do speak english so...
there is a method to attaining a lucid dream state. in lucid dreams you become aware that you are dreaming and then with practice are able to control what you are dreaming. shamans in the amazon intentionally induce a vision state to see about things in the future as well.
some good books include:
Tibetan Yogas Of Dream And Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche who also has an audio book on the subject
Dream Yoga by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
and theres an audio book by Lama Surya Das called Tibetan Dream Yoga
7/29/2008 1:22:51 AM |
Dream Interpretation |

Seattle, WA
age: 55
I'm amazed what I can find on this site! This is something I've been investigating for a time and it's definitely a favorite topic of mine. Dreams are a great, untapped resource for most people. A method of dream interpretation I've found that works very well is to use the TAROT. This takes a bit of practice, though [in my experience]. A regular question is usually easier to answer because it's straightforward. With a dream there comes the added work of determining just what part of the dream each card is referring to.
I'll give an example: In my dream I was in a restaurant. I had an eagle on my shoulder. The eagle jumped off and I tried chasing it but couldn't catch it. I walked around and then found that I now had a raven on my shoulder. I passed by the kitchen. In this box were these vicious little things that looked like the liquid metal terminator from T2. One of them had escaped and disguised itself as a human being but I didn't know who it was. I went through the restaurant trying to figure out which one was the Terminator. At last I saw this old looking guy sitting down by the wall. He was snarling at everybody--very unpleasant. Suddenly the raven shrieked and I knew it was him. I attacked it unmercifully. When I was done it looked like a pile of wet and gray shredded newspapers.
As for the meaning? The eagle symbolized Christianity, which I had just gotten out of. The raven symbolized the Norse faith, Asatru which I had embraced. The lesson was that I needed a framework of some kind--it wasn't enough to have intellectual religious beliefs--I had to be involved in it. For my own spiritual power to be effective, I had to be connected to something. The raven acted as my power of spiritual discernment.
When I did the reading, everything became clear--except for one card which I could not figure out what it was doing there. THE LOVERS seemed to have no connection to what was going on in the dream, at all. I went back to the book and tried to figure out the meaning.
Only when I looked hard at the PICTURE on the card did it make sense. I use the NORSE DECK [sadly out of print now] and for THE LOVERS, it shows a picture of the ALLFATHER ODIN and the Goddess FREYJA walking together. She is looking behind her at a dwarf offering her the BRISINGAMEN necklace if she will have sex with him. ODIN doesn't see this, but who does, is ODIN'S raven, SITTING ON HIS SHOULDER!
To interpret the dreams of others is trickier. I generally don't interpret others' dreams--but I DO help them interpret their own dreams. Dreams are the mind's own symbolic language. Each one knows their own symbols best.
As far as doing interpretation? That might be worthwhile giving it a shot--see what happens. No guarantees--except that I would do my honest best.
7/29/2008 6:17:45 AM |
Dream Interpretation |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
Glad that works for you! That was quite a dream! I use a journal, my writings, music, dreams, to connect
to the unconscious. Right now in my life, I find that a Jungian view of the world makes sense to me.
(By the way, I am waiting for the right cat to come to me so I can call her Freya) Maybe we can all have some
fun with our dreams here. I think it is interesting that Fellini recorded his dreams, which he illustrated (great idea)
for decades. It has just been published. I am very interested in creativity and self expression of the dream world,
also. Prehistoric beasts appear in my dreams again and again. To paint or use a medium to show one of
these beasts and then hang it on the wall inspires me. Have you seen Marc Chagall's dream paintings?
7/29/2008 7:53:09 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Seattle, WA
age: 55
Glad that works for you! That was quite a dream! I use a journal, my writings, music, dreams, to connect
to the unconscious. Right now in my life, I find that a Jungian view of the world makes sense to me.
(By the way, I am waiting for the right cat to come to me so I can call her Freya) Maybe we can all have some
fun with our dreams here. I think it is interesting that Fellini recorded his dreams, which he illustrated (great idea)
for decades. It has just been published. I am very interested in creativity and self expression of the dream world,
also. Prehistoric beasts appear in my dreams again and again. To paint or use a medium to show one of
these beasts and then hang it on the wall inspires me. Have you seen Marc Chagall's dream paintings?
Those are all pretty good methods, too. I'm not too familiar with Jung's ideas, [I mean, in depth] but I like what I've been able to pick up. There was a comic book series called Action Philosophers and they had a thing on Carl Jung. He had told Freud a dream he had about going deeper and deeper into a house. The top floor looked like it was in the eighteenth century, the basement like the Roman Empire and a crypt underneath looked like a prehistoric tomb. Freud interprets the skulls as symbols of death. Jung knows there's more to the dream than that, and eventually figures out what's going on. "I am leaving the eighteenth century philosophers of my schooling... the medieval ideas of my pastor parents. My destiny is to go as far back in time as I can--to plumb the furthest depths of the unconscious itself! It's my dream, about my life and my world! It can only be interpreted by me!"
You mention prehistoric beasts as a recurring image. Are there a particular kind that show up? Are they dinosaurs; or mammoths and sabretooths? The answer might give a clue to the ultimate meaning. I think if a particular image keeps repeating, then it might be important. It inspires you. What that makes me think of is that most people will put pictures up of currently existing animals. But prehistoric beasts, that stirs you in some way--it suggests to me a connection to something older and more powerful than what we have now. I identify with the TITANS of old Greek myth for maybe a similar reason.
I don't have recurring dreams, but I do have recurring images. for me it's been creatures that were very similar to the monster in ALIEN. I've also had a number of dreams involving the singer of my favorite band. When I realized what the dreams were actually talking about it absolutely floored me. Once I understood what was going on I was able to start fixing a serious problem area in my life.
Good luck with the things you're working on.
8/10/2008 5:15:19 PM |
Dream Interpretation |
Little Rock, AR
age: 36
I met a tarot reader way back in the day when I still lived in Ca. that did dream interpretations using tarot cards. It's real interesting to do, but I've never had the patience to sit down and try to analyze my dreams based on the tarot deck. I'm assuming you could do the same with runes too?
I've heard symbology is important, especially the things you experiance most, or feelings you experiance most. Colors, scents, textures and creatures, I've always heard the most promonent things to you in reacurring dreams are the ones that the subconcience is playing for you will play that for you for a reason sometimes.
Prehistoric creatures were a brave species (they had to be or they'd die, survival of the fittest). They also pushed on no matter what to survive. Also, alot could be said just by learning the traits of the specific animals in your dream. If you can pin point it's demeanor; is it scared, hungry, friendly, lonely, docil, aggressive, happy, a pet, a carnivor or vegitarian, are these animals scared or at ease in your dreams? Maybe the animals are acting as guide animals.
8/10/2008 10:52:45 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Brownsboro, AL
age: 55 online now!
I have the gift of discernment of dreams, reconizing by the symbology of a dream if it is a Spititual dream or not. If Spiritual I can interpret. I am not a religious person, strictly a ordinary but Spiritual person, with Christian Beliefs
[Edited 8/10/2008 10:53:33 PM]
8/15/2008 6:42:25 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
It is interesting that we seek to bring our dreams, which are the unconscious, into consciousness. Some use
devices, like cards, or "dream books". Others use psychology (like me with Jung), other points of view.
Last night I dreamed of a bus which had a huge blooming bush on the front of it. Had I been watching
the buses in the Bay area, where we were golfing? Certainly I noticed the same bushes in bloom there,
bushes which are frost tender and do not thrive here during a cold winter. Ever think of all the songs that
include "dreams"? Dream Lover, Just a Dream, I Dream of Jennie, All I Have to Do is Dream, etc??
The dream world is part and parcel of the awake world, I feel. It is connecting the two which is difficult.
8/27/2008 9:29:55 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Belleville, IL
age: 48
This morn, I dreamt about a white wolf.
He ran past me, went to the backyard, & started to scratch his rump using the stairs
as his scrathing post.
All the while I was talking to him, telling him to come here & I'll take care of that
for him.
But he backed away. Then he ran off.
We have a neighbor who raises wolf-shepards. He's been doing that for 20 yrs.
The last time I saw one was 3 yrs ago. Haven't seen him since.

9/7/2008 6:20:29 AM |
Dream Interpretation |

Belleville, IL
age: 48
Did I kill this thread...or...?

9/7/2008 7:24:08 AM |
Dream Interpretation |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
The white wolf is a powerful totem. I like it that you dream of animals. I had an odd dream. I was in Denmark,
standing by the sea, which was all white-capped. There were two statues, one of Hans Christian Anderson, and
the other of one of his characters. The statues moved very slowly, changing shape and expression. There was
no plot, and no one else in the dream. Do you read Jung?
9/11/2008 1:41:37 AM |
Dream Interpretation |

Seattle, WA
age: 55
I met a tarot reader way back in the day when I still lived in Ca. that did dream interpretations using tarot cards. It's real interesting to do, but I've never had the patience to sit down and try to analyze my dreams based on the tarot deck. I'm assuming you could do the same with runes too?
I've heard symbology is important, especially the things you experiance most, or feelings you experiance most. Colors, scents, textures and creatures, I've always heard the most promonent things to you in reacurring dreams are the ones that the subconcience is playing for you will play that for you for a reason sometimes.
Prehistoric creatures were a brave species (they had to be or they'd die, survival of the fittest). They also pushed on no matter what to survive. Also, alot could be said just by learning the traits of the specific animals in your dream. If you can pin point it's demeanor; is it scared, hungry, friendly, lonely, docil, aggressive, happy, a pet, a carnivor or vegitarian, are these animals scared or at ease in your dreams? Maybe the animals are acting as guide animals.
All very true.
Yes, I think you could definitely use runes for the interpretation.
The most important thing about symbology is that these are your own personal symbols. Only you can fully interpret them.
I feel that if a certain image or symbol keeps showing up in your dreams, it's because it's extremely important. You didn't learn the lesson the first time the dream was given, so you keep having the dream until you 'get it'. [Kind of like being held back a year in school].
Besides the examples that you mention and their possible meanings, another significance of prehistoric beasts would be that these are the most primitive aspects of your own self--and such aspects might just be what you need to have at a certain time in your life.
I had something similar happen to me. Though it was not a dream, the same principles of synchronicity were involved so I'll mention it here:
I'd experienced a great spiritual struggle when I was at work a certain day. Only by connecting with something extremely deep within myself was I able to shake off the effects. When I got home I was exhausted so I just decided to read. In what I read, the main character underwent PRECISELY THE SAME THING I'D JUST GONE THROUGH. He too fought an enemy he wasn't able to beat and only when he let a more primitive part of himself take over was he able to finally win.
When I do a dream reading, it can take me a while to 'crack the code'. I don't have the patience to work on a lot of my own. So I save it for when I've got the time and when a dream seems to be important. Such a dream will be strong and vivid and will have a plot
line easy to follow. It's still good to write it down, if possible because dreams tend to be like dew in the morning--they evaporate with the sun's rising.
Another thing that amazes me is how the mind will use a certain symbol, or sequence and pack, often several meanings into it.
A dream I had a week and a half ago was like that. I had unbolted this old, dirty toilet bowl out of my mother's house and was carrying it with me. I'm on the bus when I realize that my mother wouldn't have anything to use once she woke up.
I was baffled by the meaning of this one, even with the cards until I really started thinking it through. It was a reference to a story of an obscure comic book character. He had gone to town to help his mother. She had just had this new toilet bowl delivered from Sears and Roebucks. He was going to bring it to her house. In other words, the hero was carrying a new, clean toilet to his mother's house, helping his mother. What I was doing, however, was just the opposite--carrying an old, dirty toilet away from my mother's house--and doing this would not help her.
The hero eventually married this gorgeous red head, a former adventurer like him. When he started settling down and getting too ordinary, she left him. That's what the dream was talking about. By acting in a manner that was completely the opposite of what the hero had done, this was a symbol of the hero later on becoming ordinary [and thus acting in a manner completely opposite to himself] and losing the girl.
Let's just say that the dream was trying to warn me that I was on a similar path and was in danger of losing someone that was important to me.
I included what I did here as an example of following it through being worthwhile. Ironically, while pretty much all dreams have something to say that could teach us things of value, there just simply isn't the time to follow them all through. But dig through a good one, every now and then, and what it will tell you about yourself--and the workings of your mind will be invaluable.
9/14/2008 7:26:37 AM |
Dream Interpretation |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
Dreams link the unconscious with the conscious mind, at least this is Jung's view. The ones that linger are the ones
with strong emotions attached. If you have saw the movie Vicky, Christina, Barcelona, there is a scene where
Maria Elena is grumpy at breakfast, and then mentions she had "bad dreams", so they do spill over into our
conscious life.
9/29/2008 1:43:15 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

St Catharines, ON
age: 47
I do dream interpretation and would give my views on anyone's dreams that they'd like to post.
I think that the most important thing is to make the dream description a 'readers digest' version. While recanting the events or symbology that impacted you the most from it.
Just the dream and then after the interpretation you can tell how it relates to your life, learning, experiences etc.
Having said that the best person to do this is yourself of course but many times it's good to get reflective information from others.
9/30/2008 9:32:58 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Mahomet, IL
age: 49
Why is it that my dreams are always bad. I never have a good dream.
The last good dream I had and not so sure it was a dream was when I was a little girl of 6 or 7. I remember I dreamed I woke up and it was my bedroom and there were all of these colored sphere's floating in my room. I can still remember it clearly to this day. I was not frightend of them just fasinated. Just opened my eyes and they were there. I remember putting my hand out and waving it and they moved with the motion of my hand as I disturbed the air. It was really cool.
I have premonition dreams sometimes when an animal or someone close to me is going to pass.
And lately I have had a lot of dreams that center around tornados. I did find out that it meant termoil in my life and that fits.
I would really love a good dream once in a while.
9/30/2008 11:50:28 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
Dreams are merely your unconscious speaking to you... and, it is likeley that you do have many kinds of dreams but
recall only those that to you are "bad".. many dreams deal with frustrations, things that go wrong, etc. How
about work dreams? Sex dreams? You might try keeping a dream journal with your impressions and write in
it throughout the day, but especially as you arise. Keep in mind that we all have our dark sides, and our feelings, ,
fears WILL find a way out, if not through actions then through dreams. Have you ever painted some of the
most powerful dream/visions? The spheres, the tornadoes? If you want a "good" dream, do you ever meditate
and create some peaceful images? Many of my dreams deal with loss, pain, death, fears, also, so you are not