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10/1/2008 10:50:43 AM |
Dream Interpretation |

St Catharines, ON
age: 47
moonshadow: because of the dream/experience that you had with the spheres I would say that you are an intuitive. I don't know if you have realized this fully.
What happens with most people is that they usually dwell on the negative or things that they feel have gone wrong in their lives. Until they understand that they can dwell on the positive things in their lives. It just takes a change in thinking... which we all can do. It's just a matter of understanding that we can control our own thoughts and train our brains. Most people work on an automatic pilot that was formed when we were children.
This can cause problems because many of us grew up in fear based patterns... fear of the unknown and fear from not being in control with our own lives.
So getting back to your intuitive self. It's very possible that you are acting as a fear sponge and picking up everyone problems, fears, frustrations during your daily life and then at night you're processing everyone 'garbage' for them plus your own. Your brain might not know the difference, especially with your intuitive gifts... you may pick these things up and your brain thinks they are your own. It's pretty common for intuitives. Like walking into a room and feeling angry for no apparent reason until you find out that your distant aunt for example has a really negative look on life and you've just picked up her 'stuff' and thought it was you own. Once you can understand the difference and can recognize the feelings that come over you. You are on your way to clearing up those dreams and 'programming' your brain to have some fun at night and bring back your colourful sphere friends  
10/1/2008 4:24:51 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Mahomet, IL
age: 49
moonshadow: because of the dream/experience that you had with the spheres I would say that you are an intuitive. I don't know if you have realized this fully.
What happens with most people is that they usually dwell on the negative or things that they feel have gone wrong in their lives. Until they understand that they can dwell on the positive things in their lives. It just takes a change in thinking... which we all can do. It's just a matter of understanding that we can control our own thoughts and train our brains. Most people work on an automatic pilot that was formed when we were children.
This can cause problems because many of us grew up in fear based patterns... fear of the unknown and fear from not being in control with our own lives.
So getting back to your intuitive self. It's very possible that you are acting as a fear sponge and picking up everyone problems, fears, frustrations during your daily life and then at night you're processing everyone 'garbage' for them  plus your own. Your brain might not know the difference, especially with your intuitive gifts... you may pick these things up and your brain thinks they are your own. It's pretty common for intuitives. Like walking into a room and feeling angry for no apparent reason until you find out that your distant aunt for example has a really negative look on life and you've just picked up her 'stuff' and thought it was you own. Once you can understand the difference and can recognize the feelings that come over you. You are on your way to clearing up those dreams and 'programming' your brain to have some fun at night and bring back your colourful sphere friends   
I have been told that I am very intuitive. I know alot of the time before the phone rings who it is. I can be listening to the radio and before the song starts I will hear the words in my mind. My sister and I seem to be able to reach out to each other with our minds.
I understand what you are saying about other peoples garbage. At work I am the one everyone comes to with problems that have to do with work and out of work. I can feel the presense of someone or animals that were close to me for a time after they passed. I see things sometimes out of the corner of my eye and know there is a presence there.
I have three guardians that are watching over me and I can even tell you the name they go by.
I would really love to open up this world because it just fasinates me and I feel I am missing out on part of my life because I do not know how to open it up.
And it is wonderful to be able to talk to people about this finally. 
I would really love to open up this world.
[Edited 10/1/2008 4:26:07 PM]
10/2/2008 9:14:04 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Glenwood, IA
age: 47
moonshadow, I can help you 'open up this world' if you'd like. I went to your profile to e-mail you, but you are on invisible as am I. If you would like some guidance to start your journey and someone to discuss what you're going through, I am willing to help. I've worked with many people on these things.
Some of the phases can be somewhat frightening if you don't understand what's going on and you need to know how to protect yourself when you tell the universe you're ready to open up. Not trying to scare you, but I wasn't aware of that when I asked to open up and went thru' some weird things. Shoot me an e-mail if you'd like. ~RB
10/3/2008 2:45:52 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Mahomet, IL
age: 49
I would really enjoy that. I think you can still message even tho I am invisable because other people have messaged me.
10/3/2008 4:33:13 PM |
Dream Interpretation |
Louisville, KY
age: 54
I've always been interested in dream interpretation and have researched and studied it a lot. The best information I found was from the Edgar Cayce research. He was a psychic who was called the "Sleeping Prophet." Dreams are personal and can really only be interpreted by the individual who has the dream. Cayce does say however there seem to be some universal symbols. Just put his name in your search engine and you should be able to find the info. Dreams can be about your past, present or future. They are usally related to some kind of issue you are having or haven't let go of or they can be prophetic. Keep a dream journal for a while and then sit quietly and meditate. I love dreams and am always excited when I have one as they help me understand certain issues better. Sweet dreams.................
10/5/2008 2:50:00 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Glenwood, IA
age: 47
There is a wonderful dream dictionary called "The Mystical Magical Marvelous World of Dreams" by Wilda B. Tanner. It covers so many universal symbols and teaches you how to work with your dreams. It also has a blank page at the end of each chapter for recording your own dream symbols. It's a thick paperback book and sells for around $18.00 or so.
moonshadow, I am unable to e-mail you. So if you'd like to e-mail me I'm available to start helping you, ok? Light and Love to all of you! ~RB
OP, I am open to helping anyone I can with dream symbols, also people wanting help understanding the spiritual view of things going on in their life. 
10/7/2008 9:48:30 AM |
Dream Interpretation |

Belleville, IL
age: 48
I've also had 3 dreams of the Great Horned Owl.
The first one in 1981. In the dream the owl was sitting atop a telephone pole.
As it came down the pole, it transformed into a gray-haired man, beardred, dressed in a brown cassock or robe.
It was part of a dream of many parts. The reason I remembered this dream is because I wrote it all down, it looked like a short story...4-5 pages long.
The other 2 dreams...2007 & 2008.
10/11/2008 8:13:45 PM |
Dream Interpretation |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
Raven, you may enjoy a book by Tony Schwartz which has a great chapter on dreams. I am blanking on the title
because I am very fatigued after a long day on the road. Something about meaning, What Really Matters, something
like that. I dreamed of a large statue which was cracked. It was a statue of the two cats that tell you not
to talk during the movies and to "silence your cell phones now".