9/5/2008 12:46:48 AM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 41
take sea salt and put it around your room , if you know anything about spirits you should also know that they hate sea salt and they would never try to cross it!
9/6/2008 8:01:48 PM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |

Shawnee, OK
age: 37
take sea salt and put it around your room , if you know anything about spirits you should also know that they hate sea salt and they would never try to cross it!
listen to this man.I have a bag of Sea Salt for that exact reason.
9/11/2008 6:51:09 PM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |

Syracuse, NY
age: 51 online now!

i need help with a demon or a ghost!
I have this special ghost/demon repelling rifle, that if you use on the pest, will cause it holes in its spiritual body; Thus, causing it to become Holy. Then if you blaspheme it, it will go away and never return
Peace and Love little brother
9/17/2008 5:39:41 PM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |
Grand Rapids, MI
age: 28
Oh wow, it seems I had a few people worked up over nonsense.
I was just making fun of stryker because he called me a little boy. Taking the position I did was fuel for his fire. I guess he's the neighborhood guru/badass/healer dude. He will not be my friend I'm sure, he knows and can do things far superior to me and you should all know it. My dreams have been . . . (que ominous music) just as they should be.
Now, if you have heard this before you'll know why I can't take things like this seriously.
"Where we have spoken plainly, there we have hidden the truth"
I have seen good neighborhoods destroyed by inviting the worst people in. Yeah they might seem cool but, what they do while they visit is not so cool. You know, throwing trash in the neighbors yard, getting completely wasted and throwing up on a strangers car, or stealing from everyone around. Yeah, horrible. I have also seen the same thing happen from apathy. Some people just don't care until it's too late and they have to move. The worst is when it is the people of the neighborhood itself that change. When they decide to stop doing the good things that they have been doing, then everything they do becomes an invite for destruction. You can almost hear them asking "what happened to the cops?" but really, isn't it a bit too much to ask that the police watch every home constantly. I think it would mean we were all police, hmm, maybe that is the point: protect yourself by what you do and don't complain when you invite the drug dealer into your house and he sells drugs.
Anyway, don't be a novice.
9/17/2008 7:20:45 PM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |

Mississauga, ON
age: 41
For ghosts or bothersomme spirits in the home- I don't do anything special.( Though- I love some of the advice you were given and will keep them in mind should I ever need them)!
I have had a few nasty instances. I basically speak to whatever is in my house. I would say something along the lines of " only those spirits who mean me no harm are welcome in this home. My family (deseased) reside here and are instructerd to remove you if you mean any ill will at all".
I believe fully that my family protects me and have had no problems. Remember your spirit guides and departed family- they never want to see you come to harm. Good luck for the future.
9/18/2008 9:26:32 AM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |
New Bedford, MA
age: 22
I know about ghosts by watching ghost shows
9/20/2008 8:34:37 PM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |
Sultan, WA
age: 33
You need to get some sage and burn it in the house walk around every area up and down the walls room to room and chant all negative energy is not wanted here get out. The house needs to be cleansed.
9/28/2008 12:50:20 AM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |

Conroe, TX
age: 57
I just ask Spirit to clear, remove them and send them to their most right and perfect place. If they are dark beings and you try to send them to the light they get pssd. Since it is hard to tell where they should go, leave it up to Spirit or whoever works for you to do the sorting when they are removed. Make sure that you ask for them to be cleared or they may keep coming back to bug you.
Many like it when you can see them and they don't like giving that up. They are usually needy of attention. When you ask they be cleared, and removed, their needs are met. When they go where they NEED to go, they are satisfied.
9/28/2008 6:57:39 AM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
As a Buddhist, I make a vow to not be superstitious! "Demons", "gods", "ghosts", astrology, all of that are but
superstitions, fears of our mind that we make 'real! The demon is our own dark side manifested. Ghosts are
fears or memories, regrets. As for gods, well, it would be fun to see Pan and his pipes, or a fairy on the wing, but
somehow I think only with LSD is that going to happen, and again, those images come from our own minds. My own
view, of course.
9/30/2008 10:03:01 PM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |

Conroe, TX
age: 57
I honor and respect your beliefs and I am sure they work for you but they are not my beliefs. I personally do not see entities but I can feel them. Sometimes I 'hear' them by the chaotic background static when I am working with people on the phone (or mic if online)or the breaking up of phones. When they are cleared and removed, the phones/mics start working well again.
Of course, this is how I have been trained and educated and therefore is my opinion and that of a world wide association with thousands of practicing healers/consultants.
10/1/2008 11:22:07 AM |
i need help with a demon or a ghost! |

Davisburg, MI
age: 57
you had better hope you never have one attach to you. You won't be so flippant! some can and do need elevation..some need to be told to GO and some need to be told that they can go.
LSD isn't the only way one can see them..really flippant observation and very narrow minded.
[Edited 10/1/2008 11:32:02 AM]