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Forums: Religion: Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |
6/24/2008 8:04:03 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Springfield, IL
age: 42
It strikes me that we as an american society God is being stricken from the world a little bit at a time. When will christian's rights be taken into account.
The Christians have been in control for almost 2,000 years, they certainly have not been big supporters of freedom of speech. kNOW YOUR HISTORY, it is applicable to NOW.
furthermore, your speech is constitutionally protected as long as it doesn't incite injury to others, or incite riots or violence,
and / or Unless it is fighting words, which are words that are so offensive you knew that their utterance would cause violence. If they are so offensive you get your ass kicked, they are not constitutionally protected.
Do you want them to add a weirdo clause as well?
6/24/2008 9:04:42 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Versailles, OH
age: 31
There is a seperation of church and state for a reason.Many christian and muslim radicals think that God endorses all of their actions.They can justify almost anything because they beleive they are the rightious hand of God.I say none of us are rightious in the purest sense of the word.I am not a admirer of either the demoncraps or republicons they both have abused their power for far too long.
I don't think God is becoming taboo as a matter of fact religion would seem to be on the rise in this country.
I think Americans are starting to see that many christians do not practice what they preach.Faith is empty without good works.Greed and selfishness are causing many to stumble from the path Christ would have wanted.
Feeding,clothing,and uplifting those in poverty needs to be at the forefront of christian life.
Lets push for laws that will allow every american the fairest shot possible at the american dream.
Corporate America is putting a stranglehold on the quality of life of john doe and jane average.
6/24/2008 9:10:56 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Underwood, IA
age: 21 online now!
Christians have the same rights as everyone else, they just expect to have special rights like pushing their religion at work.
I want to know why someone like me as a teacher isn't allowed to have a cross up in their classroom I've never been one to push my faith onto someone else. In fact I think that its up to the person to do that on their own. And curiousone good for you that you live in faith but its also our job to spread christ's word as his disciples did, and to the guy just above me who was talking about seperation of church and state, that was created in order to prevent the government from controlling what religion it's people practice not to keep prayer out of public schools and government facilities.
[Edited 6/24/2008 9:16:03 PM]
6/24/2008 9:18:37 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Westland, MI
age: 21 online now!
Quote from curiousone2:furthermore, your speech is constitutionally protected as long as it doesn't incite injury to others, or incite riots or violence, and / or Unless it is fighting words
Yes, I have always heard that to be true. You can't scream fire in a movie theater. But, I always wondered: Since I go to a fairly liberal school that has a gay and lesbian rights office, and a good portion of our student population probably has a gay friend or two, why is it that our school also lets evangelists use a megaphone to broadcast that "homosexuality is a sin." ? It's the same guy, so I guess everyone knows that's what he's there for, we probably have to allow everyone, especially the other view point, express their beliefs.
But in that form? You certainly can have and I have even been invited to several civil forums for such discussion. I'm surprised he hasn't been punched out yet...
[Edited 6/24/2008 9:23:19 PM]
6/24/2008 9:21:04 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Underwood, IA
age: 21 online now!
It strikes me that we as an american society God is being stricken from the world a little bit at a time. When will christian's rights be taken into account.
The Christians have been in control for almost 2,000 years, they certainly have not been big supporters of freedom of speech. kNOW YOUR HISTORY, it is applicable to NOW.
furthermore, your speech is constitutionally protected as long as it doesn't incite injury to others, or incite riots or violence,
and / or Unless it is fighting words, which are words that are so offensive you knew that their utterance would cause violence. If they are so offensive you get your ass kicked, they are not constitutionally protected.
Do you want them to add a weirdo clause as well?
One more thing I have a hard time thinking that for 2,000 years christians have been in control. what about the persecutions of christians in rome after jesus' death, or even now I see no christian control in countries like Iraq militant maybe but not religious. So maybe you should look up a little history yourself if you had you'd have known that christians did not immediately become the dominant faith right after Christ died, that is the purpose of the fish symbol it was a secret sign between christians, now had they been in control they wouldn't have needed it. read the bible it does talk about the persecution of christians.
6/24/2008 9:32:17 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Springfield, IL
age: 42
There is a seperation of church and state for a reason.Many christian and muslim radicals think that God endorses all of their actions.They can justify almost anything because they beleive they are the rightious hand of God.I say none of us are rightious in the purest sense of the word.I am not a admirer of either the demoncraps or republicons they both have abused their power for far too long.
I don't think God is becoming taboo as a matter of fact religion would seem to be on the rise in this country.
I think Americans are starting to see that many christians do not practice what they preach.Faith is empty without good works.Greed and selfishness are causing many to stumble from the path Christ would have wanted.
Feeding,clothing,and uplifting those in poverty needs to be at the forefront of christian life.
Lets push for laws that will allow every american the fairest shot possible at the american dream.
Corporate America is putting a stranglehold on the quality of life of john doe and jane average.
OH MY GOD!, THis is both intelligent and articulate, and spiritually correct! Not that I thought you were NOT those things, but it is a nearly perfect statement. kudos, a pleasure to read. I would add one small caviat, The seperation of church and state says only that we are NOT allowed to for a State government.
and I would point out that we fund 2 religious states, saudi arabia and Israel, while we demonize iran, and give lukewarm support to those Muslim states that think like we do, like egypt and Turkey.
also the seperation of church and state a was a reaction to hundreds of years of death, and destruction and torture by the Catholic, and the Protestant, and then Catholic again, church. They were tired of being beaten for their faith,a nd watching their loved ones be tortured and killed. sound familiar? people don't learn from their history, and the politicians CUT education and treat it like a commodity. It is no wonder we suffer, and the system is falling apart. Jesus said this would all happen, so does the tao, and the Ghita.
6/24/2008 9:35:42 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Springfield, IL
age: 42
It strikes me that we as an american society God is being stricken from the world a little bit at a time. When will christian's rights be taken into account.
The Christians have been in control for almost 2,000 years, they certainly have not been big supporters of freedom of speech. kNOW YOUR HISTORY, it is applicable to NOW.
furthermore, your speech is constitutionally protected as long as it doesn't incite injury to others, or incite riots or violence,
and / or Unless it is fighting words, which are words that are so offensive you knew that their utterance would cause violence. If they are so offensive you get your ass kicked, they are not constitutionally protected.
Do you want them to add a weirdo clause as well?
One more thing I have a hard time thinking that for 2,000 years christians have been in control. what about the persecutions of christians in rome after jesus' death, or even now I see no christian control in countries like Iraq militant maybe but not religious. So maybe you should look up a little history yourself if you had you'd have known that christians did not immediately become the dominant faith right after Christ died, that is the purpose of the fish symbol it was a secret sign between christians, now had they been in control they wouldn't have needed it. read the bible it does talk about the persecution of christians.
I DO know the history of the church, and how that Bible was put together as well, thanks. and you can doubt it all you want, the " It became popular to die for Jesus in early christianity, and in case you didn't know this for fifteen hundred years or more they MURDERED people that disagreed with them, they called the holocaust "cleansing"
and thats just the catholics, we havent begun to discuss the Protestants and their reign of terror.
6/24/2008 9:36:59 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Westland, MI
age: 21 online now!
Curiousone2: people don't learn from their history, and the politicians CUT education and treat it like a commodity. It is no wonder we suffer, and the system is falling apart. Jesus said this would all happen, so does the tao, and the Ghita.
lol even worse in Michigan, we literally gamble for children's education since the piece of the pie that was supposed to be allocated to education has gotten smaller than it was before we switched.
[Edited 6/24/2008 9:42:02 PM]
6/24/2008 9:40:55 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Springfield, IL
age: 42
Quote from curiousone2:furthermore, your speech is constitutionally protected as long as it doesn't incite injury to others, or incite riots or violence, and / or Unless it is fighting words
Yes, I have always heard that to be true. You can't scream fire in a movie theater. But, I always wondered: Since I go to a fairly liberal school that has a gay and lesbian rights office, and a good portion of our student population probably has a gay friend or two, why is it that our school also lets evangelists use a megaphone to broadcast that "homosexuality is a sin." ? It's the same guy, so I guess everyone knows that's what he's there for, we probably have to allow everyone, especially the other view point, express their beliefs.
But in that form? You certainly can have and I have even been invited to several civil forums for such discussion. I'm surprised he hasn't been punched out yet...
They could arrest him for disturbing the peace, or for protesting without a permit, but there are stupid christian groups oput there just itching to sue for things like that, so they let it go.
The speech is constitutionally protected, but if he gets his ass kicked, it wont be a defense would be my best guess. Of course the person that kicks his ass can claim in court that the speech was so offensive, and provocative that you couldn't resist, any longer. and you would probably still get fined and maybe a night in jail, but there are groups to help those people as well. The idiot with the megaphone should not practice homosexuality and shut up.
6/24/2008 9:42:20 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Springfield, IL
age: 42
lol even worse in Michigan, we literally gamble for children's education since the piece of the pie that was supposed to be allocated to education has gotten smaller than it was before we switched.
all of opur lotto money is supposed to go to education but they figured out a way to get into the general fund too, and the education system gets screwed again, and then they b*tch and whine because we can't compete in the global market???? idiots
6/24/2008 9:43:00 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Westland, MI
age: 21 online now!
good point! On both...
Yeah, supposedly, the lotto was supposed to match or even surpass the original grant from the government. But alas, not at all.
[Edited 6/24/2008 9:44:52 PM]
6/24/2008 9:46:10 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Springfield, IL
age: 42
Christians have the same rights as everyone else, they just expect to have special rights like pushing their religion at work.
I want to know why someone like me as a teacher isn't allowed to have a cross up in their classroom I've never been one to push my faith onto someone else. In fact I think that its up to the person to do that on their own. And curiousone good for you that you live in faith but its also our job to spread christ's word as his disciples did, and to the guy just above me who was talking about seperation of church and state, that was created in order to prevent the government from controlling what religion it's people practice not to keep prayer out of public schools and government facilities.
SO, you wouldn't care if you sent YOUR kids to school and they were taught to face mecca and pray to allah 3 times a day?
You can have a cross on your person, if you want to wear a religious symbol they can't stop you, but you cannot put a cross in a public classroom. The classroom is NOT YOURS.
it belongs to the people, and by you putting a cross there, you are teaching christianity to public school children. I do not want MY children being taught YOUR religion, and especially I don't want to pay you to teach your religion to MY kids.
why would you think you had that right??
6/24/2008 9:50:16 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Springfield, IL
age: 42
It strikes me that we as an american society God is being stricken from the world a little bit at a time. When will christian's rights be taken into account.
The Christians have been in control for almost 2,000 years, they certainly have not been big supporters of freedom of speech. kNOW YOUR HISTORY, it is applicable to NOW.
furthermore, your speech is constitutionally protected as long as it doesn't incite injury to others, or incite riots or violence,
and / or Unless it is fighting words, which are words that are so offensive you knew that their utterance would cause violence. If they are so offensive you get your ass kicked, they are not constitutionally protected.
Do you want them to add a weirdo clause as well?
One more thing I have a hard time thinking that for 2,000 years christians have been in control. what about the persecutions of christians in rome after jesus' death, or even now I see no christian control in countries like Iraq militant maybe but not religious. So maybe you should look up a little history yourself if you had you'd have known that christians did not immediately become the dominant faith right after Christ died, that is the purpose of the fish symbol it was a secret sign between christians, now had they been in control they wouldn't have needed it. read the bible it does talk about the persecution of christians.
And what in the HELL are you teraching that you don't know the reason we have seperation of church and state??? The world was oppressed and tortured for over 1500 years by the catholic church, they burned them at stake, the Pope controlled the Kings, until Henry the 8th broke away, and created the C of E, which he made as bloody as the catholic church. for over 200 years it was an issue, and ultimately it killed alot of people, and did nothing for Jesus' message. those are the rule makers that you so whole heartedly are supporting? you are educated, you should know better.
6/24/2008 9:53:00 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Brattleboro, VT
age: 58 online now!
Probably for the same reason that around Christmas time, people who are atheists, Jews, Muslims, agnostics....etc. Really have a problem with someone just assuming they are Christian and wishing them a Merry Christmas, instead of Happy Holidays. Some Christians just think everyone else is too. I don't think God is becoming taboo, I think it is the fact that there are many religions, and several holidays, not just Christmas. 
6/24/2008 9:53:15 PM |
Why does it seem that in our society that God is becoming taboo? |

Westland, MI
age: 21 online now!
so too was the edict of milan instated, revoked, instated...
Now we have our mess in America.
One more edit, I just remembered something quite interesting that my teacher taught us in high school. How to remember the common heresies that Emperor Constantine wished to eliminate with the edict:
HOT DAMN - heresy or two, doceticism, arianism, monophysitism, nestorianism
[Edited 6/24/2008 10:05:14 PM]