Kansas City, MO
age: 18
You guys should lay off on the desperation thing. How many of us can honestly say that we've never felt a little desperate. That's completely natural just because of the nature of relationships. Everyone is unique and we are trying to find someone whos personatliy works out with our own. This is a very difficult thing to do especially since you really need to get to know a person pretty well to get an accurate view of their personality. I mean who really gets to know everyone they meet? I am an outgoing person but I have always been slow to warm up which makes it hard for me to get close to new people. I can definately say that I've felt desperate at times. The most I felt it was when I wrote this poem....
Unknown Destination (Poem I wrote)
by pankywitz at 6/11/2008 6:54:06 PM
falling behind
picking up pace
the more i struggle
the more the space
guarding the destination unknown
the dream fading fast
hope fights for survival
the end will i see
you must be at the end
must be dreaming of me
hope morphing skeptical
down to last breath
fight for our dream
charge down the path
concede our hope
before the last
advance over barrier
beaver, hoover, and your own fence
enhance vision always
through the bush and the blinds
clear mud from your face
see through mud of mine
unknown destination
see we reach it
through muddy window of time
Check out my blog to read my other poems. While your at it feel free to tell me what you think of em.
I disagree wit U on that desperation is a total turn off for either sides, some people feel it, some don't, other's have it at certain times. The idea is to not show it.

Eau Claire, WI
age: 21
Despiration is a turnoff because sometimes it's just a red flag of things to come. Some guys who act desperate are also too clingy, possessive OR obsessive, etc etc.....we don't want that!

West Palm Beach, FL
age: 28
Cowboy the f*ck up!!! You'll be fine bro...

Franklin, NJ
age: 24
thanks to all i have figured myself out and thanks 

Salem, OH
age: 20
I would say, Gain a little confidence. Now I am not talking about arragant,or obnoxious.
Just being ok with who you are. You have to come to a time in your life where you recognize you are not going to change, so accept yourself. Also don't let any-one change you from the real you. Find someone that accepts you for you.

Willis, TX
age: 23
Ive been single 3 years and going.. havent found anyone yet.. I just go out, have fun and not worry about it... your still young like me...enjoy it while its here. If you dont look thats when someone will come...

Travelers Rest, SC
age: 24
any one can have a conversation and it not lead anywhere and sometimes not even a friendship developes but the truth is that meeting the right person isnt goignt o be a short lived journey ,the way i see it is you could go your entire life searching for that right someone and meet them 2 days before you die , but thats who days of happyness is worth the lifetime of depression althought this is not me telling you to stay depressed but think about it , its love your searching for wouldnt it be worth more than just a few years of your life i hope fo rhte best of luck as i still search for my very own happyness