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3/13/2013 1:38:42 AM |
ATTENTION - ANTI-CHRIST, Illuminants Taking Over!! |

Hominy, OK
76, joined Jul. 2012
A must read.
666 = The mark of the Beast
President Obama Vs
;Revelation13:15 -18
The US
Senate has passed the Obama
Health Care' bill into law. The
implementation would commence
on 23/03/2013. This bill would
require all
Americans to be implanted with a
Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) chip
in order to access medical
The device will be implanted
on the
forehead or on the arm. This is to
fulfill the prophesy in the Book of
Revelation 13:15-18 concerning
Are you still doubting the
is near! .Revelations 13 is being
played out right before us. Many
are still unaware.
(1) Why is the chip
being implanted exactly where
the Bible says it would be. Why on
hand and forehead. Why not
anywhere else?
(2) Why is it being connected
to your bank account? Remember
the Bible says you won't be able
to buy
or sell without the mark. And
guess what! The chip is
connected to your
financial details. What breaks my
heart the most is that many
people in the
church will not make it if Jesus
comes now? Many are unaware
that the
end is near.
Don't tell me that its
advancement in technology or
development. If any area of your
life is not in sync with God's word
and be converted. If you miss
heaven you can never miss
hell...think about
it. Hell is not a pretty place, the
worst part is that it is for
rather than post and forward
senseless messages. Send to
everyone you
know. Do the work of an
ever wondered what would have
happened if we treat the Holy
Bible the way we treat our mobile
And we really can't live without it.
Only 7% will re-send this
Don't be of the 93% who will not
share the message.
Satan said "I wonder
how humans claim to Love God
and disobey Him, and claim they
hate me
yet they obey me"
Do not send later. Send now. May
Almighty God grant
success to every one who reads
and sends this message.
If ur ready to share this message,
click LIKE and write AMEN.
Pleassseeee....!!! It's very important that you SHARE this post on your status. Let's spread it around the world. Who know's maybe atleast one person or more will repent & get saved.
May God bless you as you press the share button now. Thank YOU!
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3/13/2013 1:56:13 AM |
ATTENTION - ANTI-CHRIST, Illuminants Taking Over!! |

Hominy, OK
76, joined Jul. 2012
Cheryl Young Reinhart
Do not get the chip, we must stick together on this, it is a required movement to take over your healthcare, and have a cashless society. The Bible tells us do not receive the mark of the beast 666. the god of islam Allah is that number 666. Obama is muslim, he worships the god of Islam. Do not be deceived, do not take the chip or any mark on the hand or head. If you do, you are damned and will go to hell, with Satan.
Rev 13:16-18 KJV - [16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six {666}.
(to those who follow my post notice the date this starts. 3/23/13 hmmm there it is again)
3/13/2013 5:49:12 AM |
ATTENTION - ANTI-CHRIST, Illuminants Taking Over!! |


Lacombe, LA
53, joined Jan. 2008
Amen, Love You my sister, You are From The Most High God!! 
3/13/2013 11:54:42 AM |
ATTENTION - ANTI-CHRIST, Illuminants Taking Over!! |

Jackson, OH
51, joined Jul. 2012
Ok, and again this info was just updated again in February.
According to Snopes this is not true.
Here is the page address, if you'd like to read about it:
Please also note- that the President (no matter who is in office), cannot pass any legislation whatsoever, without house majority backing, which means that both sides (republican and democrat alike) had to be in agreement, so it is not an Obama health care bill, it is a government health care bill
Please also note- that the President (no matter who is in office, or what political party they represent), cannot pass any legislation, without house majority backing, which means that both sides (republican and democrat alike) had to be in agreement, so it is not an Obama bill, it is a government bill.
I know that we are in the end times- I know things are going to come to pass, but we must be certain of our information, and that it is factual, before we pass it on.
[Edited 3/13/2013 11:56:37 AM ]
3/13/2013 12:07:55 PM |
ATTENTION - ANTI-CHRIST, Illuminants Taking Over!! |

Hominy, OK
76, joined Jul. 2012
Did you read all of the executive orders that the president passed? Nobody signed those and agreed with them. We shall see!
3/13/2013 2:56:58 PM |
ATTENTION - ANTI-CHRIST, Illuminants Taking Over!! |

Hominy, OK
76, joined Jul. 2012
Prophecy of the Popes : Petrus Romanus the False Prophet
Petrus Romanus : WW3 Angel of the Apocalypse / False Prophet of the Beast
3/13/2013 3:01:52 PM |
ATTENTION - ANTI-CHRIST, Illuminants Taking Over!! |

Jackson, OH
51, joined Jul. 2012
New Pontiff Is Pope Francis of Argentina
ABC News
The new leader of the Catholic Church was revealed today to be Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina and he has taken the name of Pope Francis.
He stepped onto the Vatican balcony dressed in white for the first time to address the roaring crowd in St. Peter's Square.
Bergoglio, 76, is a Jesuit from Buenos Aires and is the first pope from South America.
Pope Francis humbly and calmly asked for the people's prayers.
"Let's pray always for each other. Let's pray for the whole world. May there be a great brotherhood," the new pope said in Italian.
He wished the the "voyage with the church that we being today" be "successful in spreading the gospel."
"Let us pray silently in this prayer for me," he said before bowing his head for a moment of silent prayer with a silent crowd.
Pope Francis received a bishop's blessing and then made the sign of the cross to bless the people.
"Brothers and sisters, I leave you. Thank you so much for the warm welcome. Pray for me and we'll see each other soon. Tomorrow I want to go pray to the Madonna. And I want to wish to all of Rome goodnight and good rest," Pope Francis said with a laugh and a wave before leaving the balcony among cheers and bells ringing.
The cardinals who elected the new pope looked out from surrounding balconies above the elated crowd.
French Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, the senior cardinal in the order of the deacons, stepped onto the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica to announce, "habemus papam," Latin for "We have a pope."
Tauran then revealed the pontiff's birth name and the name he has chosen for himself as pope.
PHOTOS: Images From St. Peter's Square
The appearance of the new pontiff triggered the second roar from more than 100,000 people jammed into St. Peter's Square. The first was when the faithful, standing in a cold rain, spotted white smoke wafting over the Vatican, signaling the election was over. Moments later the bells of St. Peter's Basilica rang out, soon joined by church bells all over Rome.
The election was over quickly, coming on the second day of the conclave. The Associated Press reported that the election was sealed on the fifth ballot.
The newly elected 266th pope was moved into the Room of Tears where he was outfitted with his new papal vestments before proceeding to a scarlet-draped balcony to greet the world's 1.2 billion Catholics watching around the world.
The Vatican band and Swiss Guard marched into St. Peter's Square ahead of the new leader who they have been sworn to protect for centuries.
The new pope will likely celebrate his installation mass within the next week.
"Usually it's a five or six day interim between welcoming night and the celebration of his installation. He is already the pope," Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Atlanta told ABC News in Rome. "The installation celebration is a festive, prayerful moment to give an opportunity for a larger community to pray with him in Eucharist and celebrate."
The 115 cardinal electors began the conclave on Tuesday following the resignation of Benedict XVI, the first pontiff to resign in 600 years. At least a two-thirds majority -- 77 votes -- was required to elect the next pope.
The new pope is then expected to step onto the balcony to greet the crowd gathered below in St. Peter's Square.
3/13/2013 5:45:31 PM |
ATTENTION - ANTI-CHRIST, Illuminants Taking Over!! |

Hominy, OK
76, joined Jul. 2012
Petrus Romanus is here!
This is a rush script from Raiders News Update and we’ll be able to give you more information as we analyze this fantastic fulfillment of prophecy.
1. To start with, remember as we have told audiences repeatedly, the only thing needed to fulfill the Prophecy of the Popes would be a Cardinal of Italian descent and the new Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the son of Italian parents (Roman).
2. Even more important is that he is the first Jesuit Pope ever (or at least for a very long time, we are researching this) and this is a VERY important aspect of the prediction in our book because we said the name "Petrus Romanus" from the prophecy "implies this pope will reaffirm the authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Church and will emphasize the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Faith and the Roman Catholic Church above all other religions and denominations, and its authority over all Christians and all peoples of the world" (Petrus Romanus pgs 437-438). Concerning the Jesuits, their order was organized "to stop Protestantism from spreading and to preserve communion with Rome and the
successor of Peter..."
Also note this from Wikipedia:
The 35th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus convened on 5 January 2008 and elected Fr. Adolfo Nicolás as the new Superior General on 19 January 2008. A month after, the Pope (Benedict) received members of the General Congregation and urged them to "to continue on the path of this mission in full fidelity to your original charism" and asked them to reflect so as "to rediscover the fullest meaning of your characteristic 'fourth vow' of obedience to the Successor of Peter." For this, he told them to "adhere totally to the Word of God and to the Magisterium's task of preserving the integral truth and unity of Catholic doctrine." This clear identity, according to the Pope, is important so that "many others may share in your ideals and join you effectively and enthusiastically." The Congregation responded with a formal declaration titled "With New Fervor and Dynamism, the Society of Jesus Responds to the Call of Benedict XVI", whereby they confirmed the Society's fidelity to the Pope.
As a Jesuit, Bergoglio also makes the perfect Pope to fulfill our second book's (Exo-Vaticana) Chardinian Jesuit predictions who have been secretly arguing in favor of a coming an alien savior (MUCH MORE ON THAT WITH THE BOOK RELEASE NEXT WEEK).
Also note this Pope was elected on 3-13-13 at 8:13 (phenomenally occult numerology) Vatican time while specifically on this date (13th) Pan-STARRS (Pan-demonium, all the demons) appeared close to the moon, even silhouetting it according to stargazing columnist Geoff Gaherty, an astronomer with the Starry Night Education night sky software company.
3/13/2013 5:58:33 PM |
ATTENTION - ANTI-CHRIST, Illuminants Taking Over!! |

Hominy, OK
76, joined Jul. 2012
Uploaded on Feb 25, 2011
Series exploring the coming New World Order from a Biblical perspective. In this part we look at the Jesuit Oath that detailed how they would go about fighting the Reformation by deceit and violence. Here we also find out about "fifth column" tactics.
Get your 4-Disc DVD set here:
The manuscript is available as an e-book through Amazon at
DONATIONS for future series and the expansion of the Fuel ministry can also be made via PayPal using the address '[email protected]' (vision outline available on the Facebook page).
Know Your Enemy (Part 35 - The Jesuit Oath)