Underwood, IA
age: 21
George Carlin passed away sunday. One of the greats is gone now. We'll miss you George.

Underwood, IA
age: 21
Well damn I'll miss him and since I'm still awake finishing up an art project I'll take a sec to reflect on one of my favorite Carlin jokes
Why is it when sheep ranchers f**k their sheep they do it at the edge of a cliff?
Well its so the sheep.....push back.

Boston, MA
age: 29
George Carlin died this passed Sunday from Heart Failure at the age of 71 he in my opinion was the best comic that ever lived he lived his life the way he wanted and nobody was going to change him the king is dead R.I.P.

Rock Hill, SC
age: 21

Salem, NJ
age: 25
"I've never f'ckd a ten before, but one night i f'ckd five twos"
RIP George

Fort Bragg, NC
age: 24
You guys are right, George Carlin was a great, and he will be missed.